Some Thoughts I thought on 09.29.98:
I saw another movie. It was called Next Stop Wonderland. It's funny. It's a romantic comedy
kinda thing. It's not sappy like most of the more hollywood movies of its kind. It's funny
and sincere. That's not what I'm going to talk about, though.
A big theme in that movie was the common idea that a woman can't be happy alone. It's the notion
that any woman sitting by herself anywhere anytime is looking for a sweet man to come talk to her.
That is not true, of course, but I do know lots of women, otherwise strong and independent, who
do always seem to need the crutch of a man or some sort of relationship. Most guys, on the other
hand, would maybe like to have a crutch like that, but it just doesn't seem possible. In Next
Stop Wonderland, the main character is a woman who is alone after a recent breakup, and she's trying
to convince herself that she doesn't need a man and that she can be happy by herself. She tries to
convince the people around her (her mother in particular) that she is happy and content and all
that, but she doesn't look all that happy, still. She also notices the other women on the subway and
in the bar around her. Most of them don't look happy, either.
It made me start to think about people and happiness and what makes people happy and what makes me
happy and that sort of thing. I have trouble with this topic because I don't know what it is that
makes me happy. I can maybe name some things that do tend to make me happy more often that not.
I could probably do that. I could also probably name some times when I have definitely been happy.
I think I could do that, too. I can't figure out what the pattern is that ties those things
together, though. I generally don't expect to be happy, and I'm usually quite surprised when it happens.
It's a cool and interesting twist to an otherwise normal day. A good mood.
In the movie, they are connecting that good mood thing with relationships. I guess the relationships
people have do tend to focus pretty strongly in their lives for the most part. When a relationship
starts to turn sour or just up and turns to shit, it's really hard to maintain that perky grin.
Those feelings are just going to show. And I don't think it makes any sense to hold that in. A lot
of people do because they don't want to bring everyone else down... That's reasonable, but you
won't bring another person down all that much. Everyone has their own shit to deal with
and they're all worried about what they need to be worried about. I'm sure your friends care about
you, but they won't get down too much. I have also noticed that each time I tell something
that's bothering me to somebody else, it makes it bother me a little bit less. It lets it out
toward the surface just that little bit so it can't sit and fester inside you forever and ever.
So, the moral of this story is... the key to happiness is tell everyone else all of your
problems and let them tell their problems to you. Don't worry too much about other people's problems,
though, or you'll just end up worse. And don't worry about what everyone on the bus is thinking.
Mind your own damn business. Otherwise, you'll just go nuts.