
Random Rab

A friend of friends from Ashland, Oregon named Random Rab was playing nearby last week so I grabbed a buddy and headed out on a Thursday night. The crowd was a bit small, but enthusiastic and the place had a good vibe overall. Rab went on at about midnight starting out with a sort of hip-hop techno song with his own vocals in parts. It was a lot of fun and set things off well. He continued through a set varying from the hip-hop style to breakbeat, techno house, and maybe even a touch of trance at times. The songs varied quite a bit in tempo, but the basic sets of sounds and structures were similar. He did a good job of building energy throughout a song by layering different complementary parts and the dancing crowd seemed to have a good time all around. Overall, Random Rab plays a good energetic live set and is worth checking out if he’s playing in your area. He has a full length cd available as well.


Start Your Conspiracy Engines!

Liberal intellectual types have begun the hunt for the conspiracy that resulted in Kerry losing to the silly little man we call Bush. I enjoy entertaining these notions that the system is corrupt and Americans as a whole don’t really prefer morals to facts just as much as the next guy, but what’s it really going to change even if it is true? Idealists of today do not push changes through the system. You have to be a realist or a pragmatist or whatever you want to call it. The American world is governed by fear and greed, plain and simple. Reason does not generally come into it. It’s easy to sit here and talk about past events in this abstract nature without proposing any sort of action, and that’s just what I’m going to do. I’m not the guy you should be looking to for suggestions of action, anyway.


Microsoft Doesn’t Get TV

Bill Gates seems to think interactivity will save the television industry. He seems to think splitting the television screen and showing text ads on one part and the program itself on the other will make everyone happy. Uh, wot? Like the writer of the linked article, I would be appalled at such a monstrosity. I already have trouble standing most tv programming and the times when I do watch TV, it is generally to NOT make any decisions. I already have to navigate endless ‘interfaces’ just to get through my day now. I don’t want to have to work for my mindless entertainment. I mean, c’mon. Like the article says, only better programming will save television. I feel like there has already been a bit of an improvement in the past few years, perhaps pushed along by HBO, and hopefully the trend will continue.


The Terrible Future is Coming

The FDA has approved an RFID chip designed to be implanted in humans. RFID chips are the things used by major store chains to track inventory electronically… sort of a digital barcode. The chip is intended to be used for medical purposes, and I do see some benefits there, but it sounds like they haven’t put a lot of thought or effort into the privacy issues. There’s some interesting commentary on Ars Technica. Apparently, the Bush administration plans to push for RFID-based passports. Somebody save us from our country, and quick!


Mobile phones may cause brain tumors

A study conducted by the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm has found that the longterm (10 or more years) use of cell phones can dramatically increase the risk of developing a benign tumor on the auditory nerve. If this study is corroborated by more evidence I predict the market for cell phone headsets will grow very quickly.


$100 bill

On the way to work this morning, I walked by a homeless woman holding a $100 bill. She had it in her left hand and was busy writing in some sort of journal with the other. I didn’t get a good look at what she was writing, but it looked like it might have been some sort of accounting register. I assumed that because she was holding the money out right there on the street and from that I assumed she must be saving up for something. She may not have really been homeless but she was standing next to a shopping cart full on nondescript stuff and using it as her writing table. She was also dressed in the sort of random manner that you expect to see on a homeless person. Yeah, so I guess the lesson learned is save those pennies and look to the future.


DreamHost 7th Birthday Crazy Sale!

DreamHost is having a crazy sale for our 7th Birthday (I started it with some friends way back when so I have more than a passing interest). If you sign up with Promo code ‘777’, you can get our Crazy Domain Insane plan for only $0.77/mnth. You have to sign up using a credit card and you have to sign up for a full year to get the sale price. Oh, and we’re only giving this sale price to the first 777 people who sign up. Yay!


Kid Beyond

Tonight I was out and I saw a guy named Kid Beyond perform. He started out with a fun bit of multi-genre beatboxing including some breakbeats, some drum n bass, some techno, and a cover of Nine Inch Nail’s “Closer”. Then he incorporated a multitrack audio looper into the performance and did a cover of a Portishead song that sounded surprisingly close to the original. He also did a few of his own original songs and they were all pretty good to very good. He has an album coming out next year, too. Overall, he’s a really entertaining performer and worth checking out if he plays near you.


Commercial Space Flights from Virgin

The company behind Virgin Megastores and Virgin Atlantic has announced it will begin offering commercial space flights to well-to-do types for £100,000 a pop. They’ve secure a licensing deal with Mojave Aerospace Ventures, the company behind SpaceShipOne and the current front-runner to win the $10M X-Prize. According to the Wired article, the new venture is to be called ‘Virgin Galactic’. How cool is that? I love it.


Sky Captain and the Pixies of Tomorrow

I went to see the Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow movie on Friday night. It’s very cool looking and has a great period feel to it. I love anything that’s retro futuristic and you can’t go wrong with giant robots. The movie was not full of deep moments or multi-faceted characters, but I had fun watching it nonetheless.

On Saturday night I saw the Pixies play a show at the Greek Theater in Berkeley. I was a relatively late-comer to the world of the Pixies so it was great to have a chance to see them play. The crowd knew every word to every song for the most part so it felt like a big sing-along at times. Overall, it was lots of fun and the Pixies definitely still have that special magic that makes them great.