
Store Receipt By Email

I was at the Apple store in San Francisco today buying a digital audio cable for my new Mac mini I’m going to hook up to my TV (more on that later!) and I picked up a couple of other things as well. At the checkout counter I was asked if I was purchasing by credit card. The San Francisco Apple store has had an extra credit-card only checkout person just about every time I’ve been there and that was the case this time as well. The difference this time was that I was also asked if I was willing to accept a receipt by email and I said I was. The whole checkout process was then done wirelessly with a hand-held device sporting a barcode scanner, credit card reader, and a lcd touchscreen. After scanning in my items and sliding my credit card the device grabbed my email address from their database and I was told I should expect the receipt by email in about an hour. I wasn’t asked for a signature. When I got back to my office and checked my email I found the email from with a PDF attachment of my receipt. Neat!


Bad Neighbors

I spent about 3 hours of my Sunday afternoon in the emergency room getting a staple put in my head to close up a small cut I got when a 40 oz beer bottle smacked me. The bottle was thrown over our fence from the third-floor rear balcony of the apartment building next door. We didn’t see who threw it so the police can’t do anything. You can see the staple in the little picture. There’s more details on the coverage. We were having a great time for the few hours before the bottle attacked me so the day ended up ok overall. Not my favorite Sunday ever, but not the worst either.


New Site!

I’ve migrated my website from my tired old blosxom setup to this shiny new wordpress setup with a theme I didn’t design. This is the first time I’ve had a website I didn’t design and I think I’m ok with it. I’m not really a designer anyway. Please don’t make fun of me!

I’m going with this minimal theme (for now) because I’m hoping to let my super cool content be the design. You know, some sort of new age hippy “the content is the design” mentality. I guess that means my content AND my design will be sucky now. Heh.


AirTunes and Multiple Speakers

Airport ExpressI hooked up a third airport express to my network and tried out the multiple stream AirTunes. I’m happy to report that it does indeed work. We let iTunes play for a few hours sending the audio out to the computer’s speakers as well as two Airport Express units over the wireless network. The music is synchronized very well and while standing in between two different rooms with streams playing (one over the network and the other local on the computer) it sounded good with no signs of time phasing. I plan to hook two more Airport Express units into the network and attempt to send music to 5 separate sets of speakers at once. Stay tuned!
