really old


I spent today gliding through my moments, bouncing here and over there, wildy
wondering what experience I might encounter next. I spend most days like that.
It’s strange, because I am quite organized while I’m bouncing hither and thither.
I have to be, because I try my darnedest to never really quite figure out where
it is I’m going. I sometimes start to act as if I might have a plan, but then,
more often than not I end up suddenly changing my mind at the last moment and doing
something spontaneous despite my better planning…


Damn. I had some margaritas at dinner and it seems to have both put me into a
pessimistic mood and also somehow triggered my creative thinking engine. I was
wondering where that thing had gotten to.

But now that means I am going to have to spend some time carving some thoughts
out of the random characters I’m assembling here on the screen. That’s not
so bad, though, I think…

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really old


I went to Fry’s today. I went there yesterday, too. That was dumb of me, but
that’s another story. Fry’s is a huge electronics store, in case you haven’t
been there. They have lots of electronic stuff, and it’s pretty cheap, too.
It’s a huge warehouse version of Radio Shack, with better stuff. The world just wouldn’t
be as good without it.

One thing that’s especially cool about it is that you can take anything you buy back
for up to 30 days after the purchase date. Anything! That’s an especially big plus.
Another big plus is that you get to see a huge selection of all the nerds, dorks, and
geeks in the local area all at one time… It’s kind of nice. It makes
you feel a little at home, and it also makes you feel better about yourself, because
a lot of them are even dorkier than you…


Oh dearie. I skipped a whole day. It looks like this updating every day thing
is starting to catch up with me a little…

Well, another election day went by. It sounds like a lot of exciting things were
voted on, as usual. I didn’t vote. I don’t vote. I call myself a conscientious
non-voter. That means that I choose not to vote. I think it is definitely
bad to not consider it at all… not voting because you’re lazy or you don’t know how
or something is no good. If you have opinions about the way the system is going
or if you have criticisms, then you should vote.

Here’s my problem… I don’t believe that I have a voice.

I know a lot of people say
that, but I actually don’t believe that any of the people in the government are
speaking for me…
I don’t think voting is going to change anything for the better. It just
placates us, makes us believe that something is actually going
to change for the better if only we wait long enough. I think it’s time to stop
waiting and start doing. I’m dumb, though.

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really old

Tuesday (barely):

Erk! I stayed up late discussing semi-important stuff and then I had to get up early
to make an appointment, but then I got up too late and the appointment had to be
rescheduled because of my tardiness so now I’m all tired and the internet sucked for me
today so that’s that.

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Tuesday (barely):

Today’s Daily Blessing goes out to a site that was recommended to me by
Andrew. Just after is passing
its 3 month anniversary (yay!),
is celebrating its 3 year anniversary! Woah! I’ve got a lot of writing to do!

So… go check out now! (right now!)

really old


Beating. Beating. Beating. I haven’t really had much to complain about lately,
and it’s shown. I’ve been mostly just whining about mostly insignificant stuff
and making you all suffer through it. Oh, poor you! Whine, whine. Anyway.

Yesterday, I was the victim of some strange African disease or something. It landed
on me after I spent all Friday night rocking and rolling to some freaky-funky
hard-ass jungle vibez with some kids from my local preschool (those little guys and gals
can really party!). I was a bit more tired on Saturday than I normally am and I
ended up not going anywhere at all. I feel a little bad about that because I turned down
some offers to do some fun stuff, but things just didn’t happen. You know
how that is, right? Well, anyway, I ended up sleeping most of the day and
then going to bed early, too.. it was crazy! And then yesterday and I woke up at noon
or something, and I felt like sheeyot (that’s ghettospeak for poop). My head
was all achey, and I couldn’t really pay attention or eat that much, and I kept having
sort of hot flashes… I was hot, but the fan made me cold… I ended up huddling under
the covers with the fans blowing on me to try to maintain some sort of equilibrium…
Anyway, I’ve felt worse, but yesterday sucked.

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Wha-hoo! I’m glad I got that out of my system. I’m happy with the world again today.
Yesterday sucked, but that’s ok. Today is today, and that’s all that matters to me now
(picture me running, mostly naked, through a large grassy field with some dandelions
poking up here and there… I’m singing my loony head off, and you can’t help but
smile… as your lips part and your day cheers up, the scene pans out and you
can see that the field I am running through is actually a big grassy hill that happens
to be positioned on the top of a huge mountain that I have apparently just spent my
whole life climbing…) (woah, that’s a long parentheses bit) (woah, this is my third
parentheses bit in a row…)! Ok, I have rediscovered my deep love for Coca-Cola today.
I’ve been drinking it like there’s no tomorrow… my roommate’s gonna kill me when he
comes home and finds out I’ve been drinking all his soft drinks today!

really old


Fan Appreciation Day:
This is a real email I received from a real fan! … (continued from the
Daily Blessing). I responded asking he if
was trying to be funny or insulting… and this is his response to that.

Trying, and succeeding, I might add, at being insulting. Perhaps its not the
case, but it looks like someone’s daddy bought him a domain name, a
digi-cam, and micro$oft frontpage. I bet you print all of those cheezy
little pictures of yourself and tape them all over your room. I asked a
friend of mine, just for fun and giggles, what she thought of your
delightful little ‘site’ and you’ll be pleased to know, its not just me that
thinks you’re a conceited twit. well, its been a pleasure talking to you
again… Take two of these reality pills, and call me in the morning.

The word is out, and the reviews are in: People are talking about

    “yeah this guy needs either a good woman or a good slap”
    “yeah this guy has too much time and too much money”

well… have a happy night, my friend… try not to snap too many pictures
of yourself on the way to bed.


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Fan Appreciation Day:
This is a real email I received from a real fan! … yay! my friend pointed me to this, she said it was quite the
pointless crock of horse shit. she was correct. Its good to see that at
lease one person has a surplus of free time on their hands. please sign
me up on your fan list, so I can receive my daily feed of more mindless
anecdotes. Have a jolly-good day chap.

Try the Daily Beating for the continuation…