really old

List Day:

eggplant, stirfry, heuvos rancheros, portabello mushrooms, sunshine with a light breeze,
young people with an agenda of their own, revolutionary thought, inspirational music, a
fiery moment alone between two lovers, an icy moment with a group of friends, an explosive idea that
tears your previous thought structures apart.

really old


I saw Your Friends and Neighbors last night. It’s from a controversial director an it’s
all about sex and sexual relationships. It uses some interesting cinema devices that you
college film class fans will be able to analyze for hours. It’s also really good. The
director is known for first doing a movie called In the Company of Men, which was disturbing
in a bad way (in my opinion). I think Your Friends and Neighbors is leaps and bounds better
than his previous film. Don’t be swayed away from this one…

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.

really old


I went running yesterday. I used to be an ok runner just like 1 and a half years ago, and we
were only going to run 2.8 miles or so… piece of cake, right? Nope. It sorta sucked. I
don’t regret it now, but it was quite a run for my aging self. One interesting plus was
how my hearing was sort of fading in and out for awhile as walked back to the house. It
had a neat effect on the sounds of the cars going by in the street. I would have been better able to
enjoy it had I not had a sharp pain in my temples at the same time. Oh well, we can’t have

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.

really old

Seattle weather is different than LA’s. Here in Seattle, the sun comes out
once in awhile so you actually
appreciate it while it’s out. Also, it sort of just rains sporadically instead of once every
few weeks. That probably makes it easier to keep your car clean the “natural” way. Yesterday,
it was sort of cold in the morning (but not too bad), sort of hot in the early afternoon
(but not too bad), sort of rainy in the late afternoon (bot too cold), and the evening wasn’t
too cold. In LA, the sun is just out by default, and you’re lucky if it’s not blistering hot
(lately, anyway). It’s much harder to feel time going by in LA. Maybe that’s why no one there
seems to notice anything going on around them.

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.

really old


I was woken up by a police car that was hanging out on the street in front of the house.
It seemed to be conversing with another police person about the happenings in the area. It had
it’s lighs on, and the conversation was loud enough so that it could me made out through the closed
windows. Sorta weird. It went on for about 20 or 30 minutes, I think. That, along
with the Black Panthers for Beginners book I’m reading has really got me irked against the
police. fuckers

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.

really old

Airport Day:
I sorta like Southwest Airlines. The flight attendants seem to be cuter on average than
the ones on other airlines, and you can sit next to anyone you like (well, on not-so-busy
flights like mine). Also, they still give you peanuts (and honey roasted, too!).
The only thing that really marred my whole flying experience was some cranky old woman that was
behind me in line one time. She couldn’t believe that Southwest didn’t assign seats and they
didn’t let cranky old people like her on before other people. “This is an outrage!
It’s like the 60’s or something!”

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.

really old


Airport Day:
While I was waiting in LAX for my flight yesterday, the helpful voices that come out
of the ceiling kept telling me that I was not required to give money to the people
soliciting in the airport. They went on to tell me that the airport did not condone
their activities. Has it really come to that?

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.


Even when things are going well, and actually maybe especially when things are
going well, I tend to question my own actions and ideas. Am I really doing things
as well I think I am? Is there some way I could be doing this better or more spiritually
sound? That sounds a little silly when I put it that way… I just can’t
seem to be content with anything that I do or am doing. If I think something is
good I start to question my own concept of what good is. I can’t be ecstatic
or joyous or all that excited.

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.

Hey. In commemoration of our wonderful, amazing president, I have started a new
section of this wonderful, amazing website. It’s called
Special Sauce. Check it Out!
(if you haven’t already).

really old


Today was my last day of work for awhile. Maybe for quite awhile. It’s a little
sad, but I think it might be a good time for me to move on. I’m going to
hang out in Seattle for awhile. That might change my outlook on things
a little. It might not, too, though. I’m leaving tomorrow. See you there!

Hey. Look at this: idallas vs The Purple Monkey.

Also, I started a bit of a new section. It’s not going to be updated daily, but the
thoughts there are a little more thought out, if you know what I’m saying. It’s called
Special Sauce and it’s the secret ingredient you’ve all
been waiting for. Check it Out!


There’s nothing as important as friends. That fact is drilling itself deeper into my
psyche all the time. There’s all different kinds of love, and you need them all. It’s
like a spectrum or a rainbow. Any one of the colors can be beautiful by itself, but
you need them all to see the whole picture. That’s pretty deep, but I’m that way
sometimes, you know? Anyway, friends represent one (or maybe more) of those
of love
and you need them just as much as you might think you need sex or drugs or
your poodle, Fufu. Don’t mess up the good love relationships you have. You can never
have too many friends. Word up.

Also, I started a bit of a new section. It’s not going to be updated daily, but the
thoughts there are a little more thought out, if you know what I’m saying. It’s called
Special Sauce and it’s the secret ingredient you’ve all
been waiting for. Check it Out!