really old


I met a new person at a party this weekend. I only talked to her for like 10 minutes,
but now I’m all giddy about it. I like how my day to day mood can be swayed by
the smallest little things. It’s fun, sometimes. I don’t let big things get to me
too much, so to make up for it, I overreact to the little things.

Fun for all.


So… I don’t get this whole bar culture thing. People go to bars to meet people right?
They start drinking to “loosen up.” Then they keep drinking to “have a good time.”
Then they drink even more to “forget about their problems.” Then they end up in bed
with someone they don’t like because they think it’s going to make them feel better
about themselves.

I imagine sometimes it does, and that’s great.
I bet a lot of really good, strong couples meet that way, and that’s wonderful.

I also bet a lot of people end up feeling sorry for themselves, and that sucks.

really old


These Saturday entries are coming later and later these days…

I was thinking last night about how glad I am to be young. I feel younger now than I did
when I was 16. I feel like there’s whole world full of stuff out there to experience,
learn, and be a part of. All I have to do is pay attention and not miss my opportunities.
It bugs me sometimes when I see people around me acting old just because they think
they’re supposed to. Everyone gets old eventually. There’s no reason to rush it.


Bad Advice: Don’t pay attention to what people tell you.

Don’t you hate it when you’re playing a game with someone and they get all
frustrated and decide that they don’t want to play anymore? If you’re lucky,
the loser will just slink away and go pout in the corner with the music on really
loud or something. If you’re not lucky, the gameboard or controller might get tossed
in the air, possibly throwing little game pieces all over the place, too. That’s

really old


Good Advice: Don’t anger people who like to be angry.

Something I think is amazing about the internet is the way it can turn one person
into a star almost overnight.
was recently brought to my attention again (it seems to pop up every now and then).
It’s credited as being the first webcam site, where a person hooks up a camera to the
internet and turns it towards (him|her)self and forgets about it. This girl has one
in her bedroom and her living room and… basically, people love her. No reason.
That’s just what it is.

Also, I was thinking about that email that went around awhile ago… it was credited
at the time with being an MIT graduation speech by Kurt Vonnegut
(a personal hero of mine). It turns out that it was written by some other woman
who wrote it as a column for some other publication (my memory of specifics leaves
something to be desired). If I was her, I would have been overjoyed that people
would have even believed it for a moment.
Now it’s also the words for some song I’ve heard on the
radio by Baz Luhrman. Some guy says the words
over music. It’s a cool song.

All I can say, is hold on, it’s only gonna get weirder.


Good Advice: Don’t anger people who like to be angry.

Something I think is amazing about the internet is the way it can turn one person
into a star almost overnight.
was recently brought to my attention again (it seems to pop up every now and then).
It’s credited as being the first webcam site, where a person hooks up a camera to the
internet and turns it towards (him|her)self and forgets about it. This girl has one
in her bedroom and her living room and… basically, people love her. No reason.
That’s just what it is.

Also, I was thinking about that email that went around awhile ago… it was credited
at the time with being an MIT graduation speech by Kurt Vonnegut
(a personal hero of mine). It turns out that it was written by some other woman
who wrote it as a column for some other publication (my memory of specifics leaves
something to be desired). If I was her, I would have been overjoyed that people
would have even believed it for a moment.
Now it’s also the words for some song I’ve heard on the
radio by Baz Luhrman. Some guy says the words
over music. It’s a cool song.

All I can say, is hold on, it’s only gonna get weirder.

really old


Bad Advice: Don’t pay attention to what people tell you.

Don’t you hate it when you’re playing a game with someone and they get all
frustrated and decide that they don’t want to play anymore? If you’re lucky,
the loser will just slink away and go pout in the corner with the music on really
loud or something. If you’re not lucky, the gameboard or controller might get tossed
in the air, possibly throwing little game pieces all over the place, too. That’s


silly poem day:

the lilac winter harks forth to my utter discontent
the season has faded as has my tan
I am left with nothing to hold onto
except for you and your juicy bosom.

Hark! How I long to play games in yonder court with ye.
But our love was not meant to be.
Not this week anyway.
For I have found another maiden, and she has a car.

really old


real poem day:

another three days have passed
and the anchor is still in place
nothing that I can do
has any effect on my bearing or my position

The sun lifts itself once from one horizon
and drops itself once behind the other
another cycle passes me by
and my life only grows shorter

Still, I keep defining my place in this world.
And I spread my mind across my environment.
It’s the only way I know
to become one with my horizons.

So, even though my future seems bleak,
I stick to my ideals,
because without that structure
I have no future at all.


I’ve started to notice that my own life is a little more boring that I had realized.
In lieu of boring everyone to tears, I’ll start filling in the boring bits of my
life with some random gibberish off the top of my head.

“Evil.” That was all she could think.

“Just plain evil.” But what else could she think? Everything that was important to her
had been destroyed, and it could all be blamed on one man. How could one man
hold so much hate? How could he be so… so… well, evil?

“I’m sorry, ma’am.” He had the gall to speak to her. “I’ve got to shut it off.”
She glared at him, noticing his age starting to show at the corners of his eyes.
“It’s just my job.”

“Evil man,” she said, mostly under her breath.

“I’ll be quick about it so I can get out of your way.” She watched him as he worked
his evil ways, every ounce of her hate beaming out of her eyes. If she could have
pierced through his body with her gaze, she would have done it.

It didn’t take him
more than 15 minutes to destroy her life, and he was soon on his way out the door.

“Have a good day, ma’am.”

“Go to hell.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He turned and walked back down the narrow hall to the stairs leading
out of the apartment building. A couple of floorboards protested his weight as
he crossed over them. She
watched him go, and all she could do was read the logo on the back of his jumpsuit
over and over.

It said: “Century Cable Television.”