really old


Jorge and I went to Del Taco for some
late night refueling. When we got back, I realized I had left my keys inside.
That’s sort of an issue for us since we live in the hood. Our house is pretty
much a fortress with huge spikey bars on all the windows and big metal doors.
We were locked out!

One of our other roommates, Chris, was out and would be returning eventually, so all
we had to was wait… (but for how long?).

So all Jorge and I had to do sit there and talk. And talk we did.


List Day:
A cat screaming out its last breath, the look of that homeless man on the corner,
my own fears of failure, frustration, fatigue, denial, a still hot night alone,
pork rinds, stale beer, the big city closing in on you, broken pencil tips, stolen dreams,
shelter, bad music, bad acting, bad boob jobs, “fire in the hole”.

really old


List Day:
Warm socks straight from the dryer on a cold morning, running through sprinklers
on an impossibly hot day, eggnog on Christmas Eve, burnt marshmallows, sour gummy bears,
a single bead of sweat rolling down the middle of your back, accomplishment,
resolution, a still wet night together, hydraulic cars, imitation cheese powder,
the big city closing in around you, shelter, “dy-no-mite“.


Must-See Website Day… Every once in awhile I see a website that makes me rethink
what I’m doing on the web. I usually end up copying its style for a few months afterward
until I regain my senses. Every Monday morning, I’m going to suggest a web site
I think is way cool.

Nerve Magazine has recently been getting
a lot of press for their online erotica-focused magazine. Many people mistakenly
identify it as pornography. The primary focus of the site is sexuality, as opposed
to just plain sex. It’s fun for the whole family… well, it’s fun for him and for
her anyway. Check it out.

really old


After a very late night out at a very cool party, I stayed up tinkering until mid-morning
before going to bed. Then I slept most of the day. I
had decided to get up the first time I woke up, and I did. And I found myself in the
middle of a ridiculously hot afternoon. Oh my… I thought I was going to faint
or something a couple of times… Even now, I’m sitting here in my underwear just
sort of sweating and radiating heat… Man.

Whoever pissed off God, make ammends or something so we can all sit in our underwear in
peace. For crying out loud.

Saturday Afternoon:

Traffic, possible criminal with moustache.

Why can’t everyone just drive and watch the news later?

Why does my life have to be made miserable just because yours lacks meaning and

What makes you so important?

He probably wasn’t even a criminal.

I heart cops. (See blessing.)

really old

Saturday Afternoon:

Stuck in traffic. (See beating.)

Cars all around.

One in front with sticker saying “I heart cops” except with a bright red
heart instead of the word heart.



Walking to some national submarine sandwich chain store yesterday, we passed by a couple
of homeless guys. They asked us for money. I replied with my usual, “Sorry, dude.”
and the guy started getting a bit belligerent. He’s one of those “I know you have some
money… C’mon, man, just one quarter” type of guys.


“Well, buy me some food, then.”


Do I owe you something? I am sorry you’re in a bad spot, but things aren’t all peachy
keen from my end, either. I don’t see you leading a very hectic life. I think you
probably have enough spare time to … oh, I dunno, attempt to get a job.
I know the homeless problem is not that simple, but I just can’t stand those people
that just give up. If you don’t try to help yourself, I sure as hell am not going
to try to help you.


really old


The soft sounds of the world outside my house that drift in as I sit at my desk
and churn away at some new thought or another are very special to me. I like to feel as
if I am in a physical community. That might be a simple unecessary desire, but it’s
there, and I’m glad for it.


The other day I was driving around, laughing with some friends, and singing
songs of the road and having a grand old time when something happened that
fucked the whole thing up. We had stopped at a light, and I took the opportunity
to sing a quick solo. The light turned and I, in my deep state of passion,
didn’t notice for something like, oh I don’t know… 3/4 of a second, and the
king moron behind me honked. I’m not talking about some little squeak of a honk
saying a clearly polite “Hey golden-tonsils, get your butt in gear.” No.
This was a 100% “Move it, asshole!”.

Geez, get a frickin’ life, loser.
