really old


There’s this show on TV. I see parts of it sometimes. It’s called Change of Heart and it attempts to break up couples.

It sends them out on dates with other people and then they bring everyone together and talk about it. Then, they have decide if they want to break up or not. Sorta sick.

That’s what people like to see. I guess it’s sorta better than Melrose Place, but… I dunno, Melrose Place still has some sort of artistic quality to it… right?

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I think I might be starting to come out of my slump a bit. I haven’t been able to get much accomplished over the past few weeks. And then I got all sick in the middle of it. That sucked.

I think I can feel some energy starting to flow again. More things are going on and we’re rolling!

I even got up at a semi-reasonable hour today! And I got a normal amount of sleep.

I think I might start producing more stuff any day now.
I owe you some content after neglecting you for two days. Just wait.

really old


I went to IKEA today. I found a really nice water kettle there to replace the hell-spawn one we have at our house now. Our current one gets really hot and does nothing to notify you that it’s job is done and the water is boiling.

I believe the new one will fix both of those problems.


While we were at IKEA, I was mistaken for an employee by some knucklehead. I am comfortable with the way I present myself to the world, but I might need to consider a change in wardrobe.

Maybe just a slight directional shift might even help.

I should consider starting to shift my wardrobe towards something a little less like a furniture store employee uniform.

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really old


There’s some really interesting people nestled in between all the ho-hum normal people cruising by all the time. It’s like all the buildings you probably see every day. Most of them are pretty much meaningless to you, but there’s probably something going on in just about every single one of them.

A little snippet of that whole big fat deal that makes up life.
And all it takes to make that snippet a part of your snippet is to cruise by one of those buildings and just stop for a moment and hang out there. If you get really brave, you can even try to peak through the window or listen at the door.

If you get lucky, you might even get shot by some crazed lunatic.

Life is an interactive experience. Don’t believe what the TV tells you.

Oh. By the way, I did this week’s

. It’s pretty good, too.


We were driving home at about 5am this morning after doing sound at a party called Frontline (which was held in this little place that seemed to be some sort of low-budget strip club… my kind of place!). At 5 am there’s not much traffic, but the nature of LA drivers makes them bunch up together anyway. Strength in numbers and all that.

Well, for some reason, they also feel the need to cut each other off and make life difficult around exits. 3 cars in a stretch of 1 mile of road, and they all exit together and get in each others’ ways.

Weird town.

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really old


So. Car salesman are wiley. And they want to try to trick you into buying the car while you’re still in that happy, idealistic mood that drew you into the car dealer in the first place. They don’t want you to have any time at all to think about it. Nope nope nope. They want to keep you off-guard, because in that state your mind and your money are not very closely linked.

But I tricked them! I had not-good-enough credit! ha!

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I got up and out of bed today! And I’ve been that way ever since!

Oh my!

And I went shopping and almost bought this wonderful new bug with flames on it! The only real problem was that it also had Tabasco logos on it, and I couldn’t get approved for the credit to get it. Damn.

really old


I am feeling a bit better now. Thank you thank you thank you to the person who sent me a get well message. It made me feel better for real. Nothing else did so much during the rest of the day.

Yesterday sucked, but today is a bit better. I’ve been mostly vertical for about 3 hours so far without too many problems…



Yesterday really sucked. I was in bed most of the day, but it was hard to sleep because my nose was all clogged and there was a terrible deep pain shooting into the side of my head behind my right eye. I couldn’t lay entirely flat because the pressure would build up and make my head feel as if it might explode. Somehow, the hours ticked by anyway.

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