really old


This is a bit late because I stayed up really late setting up my brand-new cute little
linux box for my house! It’s called spitfire and I’m going to use it for local
cgi/perl/database development! I’m so techie.

Anyway, sorry for the delay. I hope you understand.

I’ve been listening to the new Beastie Boys album, “Hello, Nasty!” … It’s good.
I didn’t like it much on the first listen, but the complexity and the
texture are really coming to light with repeat listens. It’s more thoughtful than their
last two releases, but still is somehow reminiscent of the sound that made them
famous. Check it out. At one time in my life I said the Beastie Boys were the
“best band in the world today.” Now, I might change that to
“best band in the western world today” or even just “one of the best bands in the
western world today,” but they are still pushing the edges of as many musical styles
as they can get their hands on. That’s worth at least a moment’s consideration.


I am so irritated with Pacific Bell sometimes. Whenever I call their tech support, I
have to deal with a ridiculously complicated telephone menu system, and a slow and
unhelpful tech support staff. I’ve been gradually trying to
cancel as many of my Pacific Bell services as possible. They’re probably going
to charge me for it, too… another example of a bunch of fuckers.

really old


Hey, just passed it’s 3-month anniversary. Crazy stuff. Who woulda thunk?

I’ve been able to get up without an alarm clock for the past 4 or so weeks straight.
That’s almost enough to put you into a permanent state of smiley estasy. Almost. It
does put me into a generally better mood. I really like being able to go to bed
and wake up whenever I feel like it. I think that’s something everyone should
strive for. I know it’s hard for lots of people, but just try to do it whenever you can.
And get a wrist-rest for your computer, too, and a good chair to sit in. You’ll
thank me later.

Recap . . . Don’t use an alarm clock, use a wrist-rest, and get a good chair.

Don’t forget to look at this week’s Weekly Shine.
I’m pretty happy with it.


Josh over at sent out something
to his Juicy mailing list last night entitled “Fuck the Homeless.” In it, he recounted
a story of some guy he encountered who managed to scam him out of $2. The fucker.

That’s something I’ve noticed about some homeless people. They have taken it upon
themselves to treat being homeless like a profession (which it is in some sense,
I suppose). They go at it using the ruthless and selfish capitalistic ways that
were mostly responsible for putting them in their situation to begin with. If people
were a little more likely to help one another, there wouldn’t be so many unfortunately
fucked up situations. On top of that, if people would take some responsibility for their
own actions rather than blaming the government, or their parents, or their religion, or
the whole fucking world, then the world would be a better place. If the leaders of
big corporations would actually put their own personal happiness ahead of their
own personal wealth, things would be better, too. Overall, there’s so much room for
improvement, but people are too distracted to notice or maybe they notice
and just don’t care.

blah. now I’m in a pissy mood.

BTW, go check out and join his
mailing lists. He’ll thank you later.

really old


A certain lover-baby is back for the attack safe in the house from the land of the big
bird. That’s all cool and all. Another certain wanna-lover-baby doesn’t seem to be
thinking of her big-bad-idallio enough for my liking. That could be better. The
moon and the stars are still shining bright, though us kids in LA can’t see it much
through the haze of that last bongo going bong in the night. And through it all,
all we can find the nerve to say is “cool”

At least that’s better than rad or wicked.

At least.

And then there’s awesome.

Awesome will return. And I’ll be ready for it.


Ok. This cell phone ordeal is starting to get out of hand. I know you’re thinking
something like, “Hey, at least you’ve got a cell phone. You don’t have a damn
thing to complain about!” And you’re probably right, but what’s a good day without
a few complaints? Anyway, they were supposed to set up the service on the same frickin’
day that I bought the phone… that was like … 5 days ago! They
called me twice today and got some last minute info, so it should be all good tomorrow.
It better be. Otherwise, they’re gonna get a royal idallas ass-kickin’.

Did you check out Special Sauce yesterday?

really old


Ok. So I skipped a whole day altogether. This is getting to be a bad habit.
To make up for it, I’m going to write two whole new special
entries to make up for it. Is that ok?

So. While I was in the shower today, I checked my Noxzema bottle, and wouldn’t you know
it… Proctor & Gamble! Those fuckers make everything. I’m going to have to
start being a lot more dilligent about making sure I’m not supporting any fascist
regimes anymore. On top of that, I still don’t have service for my new cell phone!
It’s been like 3 days and they keep not calling me to set it up. Things are not
going my way at all.


Ok. I suck. I skipped Wednesday altogether. I’m gonna pay you back by writing
two special sauce entries. Forgive me and check them out!

Good stuff? While I was waiting to get my stinkin’ cell phone service set up today
I was able to get all kinds of work done… I wrote a couple of scripts, configured
some web servers, showed off my UNIX skills… oh yeah, I also saved a lady
from certain death as she was crossing the street in front of a big mean bus
and I gave the leaders of Taiwan and India some advice (on different issues).
All in a day’s work.

really old


Did something wonderful happen today? Not really. I bought a whole box of
individual packs of cornnuts. That’s a pretty good thing overall. It’s not really
worth mentioning, though. I got some work done today, though. I’ve been finding it
difficult to do that lately. I’ve been distracted or something… Ok.
Back at it.

really old


I’m getting frustrated. I have a lot of random computer equipment all around
my house and some of it can talk to some of it, but I can’t get the right pieces
to talk to each other. Oh well. You probably have to be here. It’s making me not
funny. You’ll have to look elsewhere for your daily giggle today.