Saturday Evening:

I got some new music in the mail yesterday. It was expected, but I had no idea what it
would be. It turned out to be two CD’s from bands I had never heard of. I like both of
them, though I haven’t had much opportunity to really get into them. They are both
sort of experimental rock in a somewhat Sonic Youthy sort of vibe. I like that vibe, and
I don’t have enough of it in my music collection.

Whenever I get some new music that’s really radically different than what I have
been listening to, it inspires me to write new things and make new things and
think new things and just do new things in general. It inspires me to live.

I have been inspired. Thanks, lady.

really old


Since I left college and starting working in the real world (more and less fun than
you might think at the same time), my spare thoughts have been increasingly devoted
toward establishing a physical sort of link with members of the opposite sex (hooking up,
as some people might say). I’ve been trying to figure out if maybe it might actually
be fun to just randomly hook up with never another word. I’ve also been trying
to figure out what’s so special about these so-called “hotties” or “babes”. Are they
really all they’re cracked up to be? What if they are and I’m missing out on the
experience of a lifetime?

Anyway, I find myself annoyed by all the steps that people seem willing to go through to
get to know people they don’t already know. People are willing to go through this
process of first meeting, then doing some preliminary interacting (unfortunately not
generally involving hooking up), and then setting up a meeting that follows a
predefined sort of pattern (this meeting is usually called a date), and then on and on.
It also seems so ridiculous sometimes. Why can’t two people just see each other
on the street, go to some random nearby hut and proceed to hook up? You’ll probably learn
a lot of the really important stuff during that first hooking up section. I’m not
advocating random sex. I’m just suggesting that people should make out a little before
they even think about going out on a first date.

People could just see each other on the street, stare for a moment, and then both say,
“Wanna go hook up?” That would be dope.


Today, I was woken up early by the phone ringing. That’s normally sort of a bad thing,
but today it was ok. I’ve been sleeping a lot lately, and I was ready to get up.
I got up at about 7:30 am. That’s pretty frickin’ early, but now I’ve been
up for awhile, and I’ve already done some stuff today, and the sun is out,
it’s not super hot (thank you lord), and the birds are chirping. There’s a nice, gentle
breeze coming in through the window and circling around my bare belly and underarms.
All in all, I’m in a good mood. The only real problem is my hunger aching in my stomach
trying to force me to put off my entry for another few moments. Never!
You come first, and that’s that!

Oh yeah. I put up a banner ad to help
increase my traffic flow a bit. That’s always fun.
I’ll be debuting a new section today, too! Super fun all around. Super Super.

really old


Something that really irks me is when people sit around (or stand around, or
hop on one leg, or whatever) and complain about everything all the time
without ever giving a moment’s thought to trying to actually doing something.
So many people I know (shall I say most) never really attempt to do anything that
hasn’t been pre-planned out for them. I know this is an old complaint, and
I know that I’m just as guilty as this as anyone else, but it still sucks.

It’s ok to sit on your ass and be a tumor on the ass of society. That’s fine and
cool, but don’t get in the way and annoy everyone with your whiney-ass complaints, too.

Get a frickin life, or go
vote or something.



After complaining about the weather for so long (that’s something that it’s ok
to complain about because there’s not really anything anyone can do about it
and it does make everyone feel better to hear constant complaints everywhere
they go), it’s finally broken and gotten to be really nice. Last Friday, the
heat broke, and it’s been really nice ever since. The sun has been out, and there’s been
a nice breeze. It’s been warm enough to warrant the use of a fan still, but it’s been
cool enough to warrant a small blanket at night. Finally.

Now I can whip out my slip and slide and start inviting the teenage girls from
the neighborhood over for a BBQ. yeah.

BTW, we have a brand-new super-cool location for
Midnite Bombers
coming up this Friday. It’s gonna be super-cool. Anyone in the LA area should come
check it out.

really old


We were watching Good Will Hunting at my house tonight and my housemates were
dissing Minnie Driver because she’s not conventionally attractive. They were
calling her ‘ugly’ and making a fairly big deal out of of it, almost as if they
were offended by the fact that they even put her in a movie at all. I tried to
defend her… I said, “I agree that she’s funny looking, but that doesn’t make
her ugly.” That’s true, right? Don’t people get tired of seeing the same old kinds
of faces over and over again? Isn’t it nice to have a fresh sort of look once in
awhile? I guess not…


That movie (Good Will Hunting) does make me think, though. The rest of my house
seemed to appreciate it, too. It gets a bit sappy at points, and everyone let it
play on through without making goofy comments. It makes me think about the concept
of soul mates. Robin Williams talks about that a few times. On one hand, it makes me
a little sad when I think that I don’t really have anybody I would call a soul mate.
On the other hand, though, it sort of motivates me to look for such a person. It gives
me hope that relationships like that are possible. I don’t know if they really are or
not, but it’s more fun to think that they are so that’s what I’m going to do.

really old


I had some Cuban food today for lunch. It was pretty good. Rice, black beans,
yuccas, and plaintains. I love plaintains. If you haven’t had them, they’re
banana-like things that are usually fried. They’re commonly found in Jamaican and
Cuban food. They’re something not to miss. If you have never had them, you
should seek them out. Look in the phone book for Jamaican or Cuban food and go out
and order a whole lot of them.


Someone was killed near the building where we keep some of our servers today.
It was an old woman. She was hit by a car that was coming out of a parking garage.
It was apparently a hit and run. I hope whoever did it can’t deal with the guilt
and loses his/her mind, ruining his/her own life and the lives of everyone he/she

really old


One good thing that always comes out of a big confrontation between any group of
people and the authorities is a feeling of togetherness and some degree of unity.
People who are oppressed together stay together. Right? It’s not like ravers in
general have much to complain about, in general. They’re mostly suburban middle class
kids. The only problem they really have is boredom. They try to act as if they
are all some sort of utopian group, but they’re not. Occasionally, however, something
really messed up happens at a party, and for a little while everyone gets serious.
Maybe something real will come out of it. Just maybe.