
Ok. I suck. I skipped Wednesday altogether. I’m gonna pay you back by writing
two special sauce entries. Forgive me and check them out!

Good stuff? While I was waiting to get my stinkin’ cell phone service set up today
I was able to get all kinds of work done… I wrote a couple of scripts, configured
some web servers, showed off my UNIX skills… oh yeah, I also saved a lady
from certain death as she was crossing the street in front of a big mean bus
and I gave the leaders of Taiwan and India some advice (on different issues).
All in a day’s work.

really old


Ok. So I skipped a whole day altogether. This is getting to be a bad habit.
To make up for it, I’m going to write two whole new special
entries to make up for it. Is that ok?

So. While I was in the shower today, I checked my Noxzema bottle, and wouldn’t you know
it… Proctor & Gamble! Those fuckers make everything. I’m going to have to
start being a lot more dilligent about making sure I’m not supporting any fascist
regimes anymore. On top of that, I still don’t have service for my new cell phone!
It’s been like 3 days and they keep not calling me to set it up. Things are not
going my way at all.

really old


Did something wonderful happen today? Not really. I bought a whole box of
individual packs of cornnuts. That’s a pretty good thing overall. It’s not really
worth mentioning, though. I got some work done today, though. I’ve been finding it
difficult to do that lately. I’ve been distracted or something… Ok.
Back at it.


I’ve been spending money like crazy. That’s always fun. I bought some new speakers
for my car. That’ll keep me happy. I’ve been setting up a computer network
inside my house, too. Whee-hee!

really old


I’m getting frustrated. I have a lot of random computer equipment all around
my house and some of it can talk to some of it, but I can’t get the right pieces
to talk to each other. Oh well. You probably have to be here. It’s making me not
funny. You’ll have to look elsewhere for your daily giggle today.


Drat! My super powers have faded to a mere glimmer of what they once were! I will
have to use my mortal wits to escape my fate now!

really old


Wiley Willy saw a cloud floating through the sky. He wanted to touch it. How can you
touch a cloud?
he thought. They are so high! He still wanted to touch it.
He looked around for things that he could climb on. He saw a milk crate. Not tall enough.
He saw a garbage can. Not tall enough either. He looked around at the buildings around
him. What if he climbed one of those buildings? So he did! He climbed up on top
of his house and stood on the roof and stretched up as far as he could and tried
to touch the clouds. He wasn’t anywhere near where he needed to be. He would have
to go into the city to climb one of the tall buildings. So he went into the city. He
looked up at all of the very tall buildings and tried to figure out which one was the
tallest. They are all so tall! he thought. He picked one of them and went in
the front door. The security guard at the front desk was distracted by another man who
he was talking to so Willy was able to get into the elevator and ride it to the top.
When the elevator stopped, he got out and started to walk around. There are no
windows up here!
he thought. What to do? He decided to try some of the doors.
Some of these rooms must have windows! He tried a door that said CEO and it opened.
He went in and found himself looking at a middle-aged man who most certainly had his
head in the clouds. You could tell by the ridiculous look on his face. Willy went
up to him and asked if he could touch the clouds around his head. He looked at
Willy with a flat expression on his face (he had been practicing that flat expression
for years) and said, “Sure. You can touch the clouds around my head.” And so Willy
did, and he was happy.


Do you want some advice? Keep your nose out of the books when you have a chance
and go outside and run as fast as you can for as far as you can until you fall over
from either being clumsy or from being out of breath and then lay on the ground and watch
the clouds above you make their path on their way to make new clouds and think
about everything you’ll never know and feel sorry for yourself for a few moments.
Then, get over that and go back to the books. You’ll thank me later.

really old


Rage and vinegar and piss and sordid details of my sex life and racing through
my brain. I think it’s because I’m tired… writing these entries during the middle
of the day is different… I think maybe part of the edge is me being tired
all the time when I’m doing it. It’s that final spark of energy right before my lights
go out for another day. It’s the culmination of everything I wanted to accomplish
each day and didn’t. I’m pitiful. But, I am indeed a late-blooming progidy.
In fact, I’m still in development. One day, the world will be amazed that
someone my age is still so immature and trite. I’ll show them.


I’m finding it a little hard to focus on one task since my return. I came up with a lot
of ideas while my mind was less stressed and more open to wander and now I want to do
them all at once. I ended up just sort of cleaning up and organizing. That always puts
me back into focus some. The look of a messy room is not good for my personal
productivity. I’m always thinking I should be cleaning it… If I’m busy on set tasks
I can deal with it. If I’m in a planning phase where I’m deciding how to divide up
my time, it drives me batty.

So, while I was cleaning, I was listening to the radio
a bit and they were playing the stuff going on in the house of reps. live. They’re
discussing whether or not they should try harder to fuck over the president… Those
people are fuckers… the politicians… all of them. They could give a rat’s ass about
me or about what I want to do. All they care about is staying in office and having
their career turn out nice and maybe helping a few of their friends along the way…
Yeah, fuck them.