really old


Nonsense Day (try saying them aloud!):
be bop shu do be bop
bah dah dum dee-e doo
bwap do bam bop she be do bam
bop de do dam dun do.
(word, yo.)

also, new thing in special sauce

really old


I sit here and I stare at this screen sometimes (a different screen than I stare at most of
my life, but a now familiar screen nonetheless) and I wait for inspiration to beat me in the back
of my head so I can hope to possibly entertain somebody for one moment. Why do I do it? Maybe
because I’m just looking for dissapointment? Maybe because I’m looking for love anywhere I
might be able to find it? Maybe. Or maybe I’m just really obsessed with myself and I can’t
imagine the fact that no one else has started a website dedicated exclusively to me.
At any rate, I deserve sympathy.

really old


You don’t even know how happy I was to find out that India and Pakistan have agreed to sign
a Nuclear Test Ban. I was honestly, seriously worried when they both started testing. I had
thought all that nonsense was through, and then another couple of bigshot countries had to
go and whip out their dicks (so to speak). I’m so glad that they could be so gentlemanly about it
all and admit that both of them havejust fine penises, and it’s not the size that matters anyways,
and on top of all that, the UN has a huge penis.

really old


Today, we got a new computer desk for this iMac I’ve been using for the past week while I’ve been
in Seattle. This marks an end of an era for (though, a short era) as I no longer have
to do these updates (and spend the rest of my computer time) in uncomfortable positions on the floor.
My knees will thank me over and over again, I’m sure, as will my aching backside. Join me today
in praising the good old computer desk. If you don’t have one for yourself, I suggest getting one.
There’s lots of different models to pick from, matching any budget or decor.

really old


It’s still cold in here. We went out to buy some groceries yesterday, and it was sort of warm outside.
That was nice. It’s been a little bit cold all day today, and the sun has most definitely not been
out. It even drizzled for awhile. I guess Seattle is living up to its reputation. It’s hard to
type with cold fingers.

This daily beating sorta sucked, I think. To make up for it, here’s a cool website:

really old


The few days or week or so when it starts getting cold enough to mandate the use of the heater,
but still warm enough that it might get warm again at any moment is sort of frustrating. You sit
around, cold all the time, wanting it to be a little warmer, but not putting on the heat so you
can save that extra little bit of energy before the winter starts to kick in for real.
I don’t know if that little bit of extra energy is worth having cold hands all day, though.
Oh well. Maybe I’ll figure it out this year, so I don’t have to have cold hands next year.

really old


I like the way sunlight shines through the trees just outside and comes in through the window
making patterns on the couch. I also like the way the clouds pass in front of the sun and then
continue on past, periodically weakening and strengthening its rays. It’s the little things
that happen again and again, day after day, that remind you that you are indeed alive.

really old


I sure am glad for the mad abundance of people in the world. There’s so many people that anything you can possibly
think of can have an audience. Even silly, useless web pages.

really old


Why don’t people just get over this whole Bill Clinton thing? Impeach him already! Or, don’t impeach
him already! There’s no need to drag it out for so long. I guess we do tend to drag everything out,
though. It’s so irritating to be a human sometimes. urgh.

really old


List Day:

ground beef, animal entrails, hotdogs, cow hormones, sunshine with a thick layer of smog,
apathetic young people, painful memories, regrettable actions, a tense moment with an opposing
force, a tense moment with an ally, an agonizing defeat that continues to destroy new thoughts
for weeks to come.