really old


We were watching Good Will Hunting at my house tonight and my housemates were
dissing Minnie Driver because she’s not conventionally attractive. They were
calling her ‘ugly’ and making a fairly big deal out of of it, almost as if they
were offended by the fact that they even put her in a movie at all. I tried to
defend her… I said, “I agree that she’s funny looking, but that doesn’t make
her ugly.” That’s true, right? Don’t people get tired of seeing the same old kinds
of faces over and over again? Isn’t it nice to have a fresh sort of look once in
awhile? I guess not…


Someone was killed near the building where we keep some of our servers today.
It was an old woman. She was hit by a car that was coming out of a parking garage.
It was apparently a hit and run. I hope whoever did it can’t deal with the guilt
and loses his/her mind, ruining his/her own life and the lives of everyone he/she

really old


I had some Cuban food today for lunch. It was pretty good. Rice, black beans,
yuccas, and plaintains. I love plaintains. If you haven’t had them, they’re
banana-like things that are usually fried. They’re commonly found in Jamaican and
Cuban food. They’re something not to miss. If you have never had them, you
should seek them out. Look in the phone book for Jamaican or Cuban food and go out
and order a whole lot of them.


I went to a big rave this past weekend, and somewhere along the way somebody who didn’t
have a clue about what was really going on freaked out and invited the police in. I guess
their job was to try to reestablish order. Things were pretty much ok before they
ever got there, though. I don’t think they needed the mean dogs or the tear gas to
deal with a bunch of little raver kids. Ravers are not a violent bunch by any stretch
of the imagination.

Probably the suckiest part was the fact that the party inside did not stop. It was
still going the whole time we were being forced gradually away from it. Lots of
people who had come to the party together got separated, and lots of people who had
come a really long way didn’t get in at all.

I don’t know who to blame. I don’t know if anyone really can be blamed at all. The
promoters could have been more responsive to the problem and tried to get more gates
open. The location could have been more understanding. The police could have been more
reasonable. Maybe we could have been less excited.

At any rate, a lot of the DJ’s had trouble getting in as well, and the party ended up
pretty much sucking, too. It was a big fat loss for all. I hope the promoters don’t
have too hard of a time keeping the estimated $180,000 that people paid to go to
their sucky party.

really old


One good thing that always comes out of a big confrontation between any group of
people and the authorities is a feeling of togetherness and some degree of unity.
People who are oppressed together stay together. Right? It’s not like ravers in
general have much to complain about, in general. They’re mostly suburban middle class
kids. The only problem they really have is boredom. They try to act as if they
are all some sort of utopian group, but they’re not. Occasionally, however, something
really messed up happens at a party, and for a little while everyone gets serious.
Maybe something real will come out of it. Just maybe.


Hey! I took some pictures of Gimpy, the neighborhood dog.
Also, Jorge and I had a long discussion
about some movie called In The Company of Boys or something like that. It’s about
this psychotic jerk who gets his jollies by tormenting women emotionally. He and
his buddy work up this plan to get this girl to like them and then humiliate her
or something. Anyway, I thought it was offensive and terrible. He thought is was
shocking and realistic. I guess those two descriptions aren’t too different
when you really think about it.

Oh yeah. The blonde girl I met at Fundamental called me back after I called her.
Crazy world.

really old


I think it sucks that people don’t just get along and that there are lots of men out
there who think the only good use for a woman involves their penis. I think there’s
lots of other uses for a woman, mostly involving my big toe. Seriously, though.
Why can’t people just pretend for a minute that they don’t really think they’re such
hot shit and just really pay attention to how people respond to them? So many people
tell dumb jokes that no one laughs at. What’s the point in that? Also,
men make sort of sexual flirty comments to women and sometimes don’t really get much
response. Do they think that means the woman is flattered? I doubt it. A woman
will let you know if she’s flattered. You can count on that.

Don’t listen to me, though. I’m no pro or anything.


Oh the Heat (cont):
Oh my, when will it end? I ended up with a weird headache thing that was emanating from
the base of my skull today. I think it’s from the heat. I hope it’s from the heat.
If it’s not, there’s something really wrong with me. We need to get some serious fan
action going in this house. It’s so stagnant during the day…

I saw some stuff on the news tonight about some area schools not having air conditioning,
either. It showed a little kid saying, “Everybody’s sweating!” That’s messed up.
Most of those kids probably have enough trouble paying attention without a huge
heat wave wearing them down.

really old


The dog who adopted us as a household and who was the subject of a daily beating
awhile back (we don’t have a name for him, but we sort of jokingly call him “Gimpy”)
seems to be recovering from whatever was wrong with his leg. He’s actually walking on it
now! He still looks a bit weird and kinda hops along a little, but he does seem
to be getting better. That makes my whole month.

Also, there is a finally a hint of a cool breeze coming in through my window. It took
until 1:34 AM, but the heat of the day is starting to break. Maybe I can get some
work done now.


Oh the Heat (cont):
I had to get new front tires today. My old ones just up and died on me.
I went to a pretty cool and cheap place here in the hood. I also had to wait for two
hours in line outside with my car and with the cars of a bunch of other patrons.
And it was hot. I almost can’t believe how hot it was (and still is) today.
I think its starting to get to me and affect my thoughts… seriously.