really old


I did get new tires, despite the glaring sun and ungodly heat. And my car is so
happy with me now. I can just feel how delighted it is to be my car. It just purrs now
(or sort of tries its best, anyway). I’ve made my car happy, and that makes me happy.


Oh the Heat:
Today’s beating is provided by Mark

So, it’s really hot here (as those of you who live in the L.A. area
know). In the shade temperature hit 110F where I live today. It
was 101F in my home office today.

Normally it’s air conditioned.

But, as the fates would have it, *rats* ate through my electric
utility wires on the hottest weekend of the year!

How fucked up is that??!?!

Yesterday, there were all kinds of sparks comming from near
the utility pole. Since then (well, up until a few minutes
ago) we had weird power — 95VAC under zero to small load,
but try to run anything big, like an A/C or TV, and blammo,
potential drops to 60VAC. Edison guy just left. He says
rats ate some cables. I hope the little fuckers got fried
real good. If you think I’m being harsh, well, *you*
try sleeping in an 85 degree bedroom!

really old


I went to the mall today. That’s always fun. There’s something so appealing about
teenage girls in skimpy outfits.
And the boys are so young and fresh. And they call bars meat markets…


Silly Poem Day:
Death and Damnation
come out of my ears.
I wonder where it came from?
Probably that damn heavy metal music.

Torment and Anger
Burst from my mouth
When I’m waiting in line
at the car wash and somebody cuts in front of me.

really old


Silly Poem Day:
Oh wonderous creatures of the moon,
hear my call tonight.
It is your energy and wisdom,
that will get me through my plight.

Turn your ears towards me,
oh fox and and the sea.
Because I am one bad mutha,
and that’s all I’ll ever be.


Good Slogan Day: When the fun becomes easy, the learning begins.

I think I came up with that. Have you ever heard it anywhere else?
Let me know if you have.

really old


Hmmm. Did anything bad happen today? I didn’t find as many records
as I wanted to. That’s a little sucky, but nothing to complain about.
I didn’t find true love today. That’s sorta sucky, too. I can deal,


The world economy is going to shit and I have all my money tied up in foreign banks.
What was I thinking?

really old


My heart kept beating for another day…

just kidding

No. It really did keep beating, but that’s a lame thing for a blessing. That’s
more like the absence of a beating. Well, I guess that’s a blessing in itself.

I watched some Anime tonight. It was crazy. I got to witness the power of love.


This month I got overbilled by my stupid phone company. They normally give me evening
and weekend hours free, which normally ends up saving me like $50 or so. That’s always
cool. But then, this month, the savings were only like $1.18. I figured something
was wrong and I could just call and they’d fix it. I tried calling the number on
my phone bill (you know, the one right beside a little thing saying “Problem with
your bill? Call…”), but that didn’t work at all. Since I have ISDN, the normal
tech support part of the phone company can’t help me at all. They’re completely
stupid when it comes to my problems. “But my problem is with my bill! It has nothing
to do with my ISDN specifically,” I plead, but they don’t listen. And so I get tossed
around from person to clueless person. I finally called them for the 4th time today, and
I had to redial them something like 6 times before I got a person instead of a busy
signal. I eventually went through the main support number, and the woman promptly
forwarded me to the ISDN help desk (which is where I had been trying to call without
success for 30 minutes before that), but it worked that time. The person I talked to
said she would have a billing representative call me. Yeah, whatever.

Fuck them.