really old


Some of us New Dream Network members had
an IRC discussion today. We were going to try to figure out how to encourage
cooperation and interaction between our own group, which is sort of an ironic situation, I
suppose. We talked about that some, and we talked about all kinds of other things, too.
We got into the straight-edge issue (Annie is
straight-edge.), and we talked some basic religion, and we had some laughs and we
probably bored a couple of people to tears.

I guess that worked out ok. I wish it was more of us, though.

The limping house dog hangs out at our house every evening and night now. He
sleeps on our porch, and tonight he’s been barking at other dogs. He greets us when
we get home from work. He hangs out with us on the front porch. He seems to like us
quite a lot. He comes back every day. Sorta strange if you ask me.

Hey, I also cleaned up the archive section a bit.
I moved July onto it’s own page. It’ll get too long, otherwise.


Ok. This is dorky. I started looking for a new ISDN provider tonight because mine
is sort of being sucky, and they’re tech support is really sucky, and I’m sort
of being ripped by them, but anyway… I stumbled across something called DSL.
I had heard of it but didn’t really realize that it was being offered so soon…
It’s high speed internet connectivity over ordinary copper phone lines. One web
page I saw put it at 8Mb/sec! That’s more than 5 T1’s! Also, it’s really cheap, and
it’s dedicated (no dialup!). It looks like I can get a dedicated 160k connection
for about $150/mnth. That’s pretty close to what I’m paying for ISDN, anyway…
How exciting. High speed internet access for home users is very quickly becoming
a reality. That certainly will change the world.

really old


I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a largeish group of people who don’t know
one another except for a semi-busy email list and some shared interests work together
to create something unique and interesting. I don’t know how to do that. And it’s
not happening. I talked with some other people about it today, and they see that it’s
not really happening. One of the two seems a little discouraged by that fact, but the
other seems almost motivated by it…

I’m not that easilly discouraged, but I do get frustrated. One thing I can say, though,
is no matter what else happens, I have met some interesting people, and that’s
all you can really hope for, I suppose. It’s more than some people can say.


I think I need more passion in my life. Some days I feel like I’m just going
through the motions following some big gears that are turning somewhere far off,
directing me (along with everyone else) on toward something that we don’t really care
about. And that might be how it is, and that might be ok. But if that’s the case,
the important stuff in life must be in the doing and in the actions. You need
to thrive on the sheer pleasure of doing what it is you do, no matter what the result
might be, and if you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it.

Easy to say, hard to do. I’m full of that sort of thing.

really old


That dog from yesterday was gone in the morning, but he was back again tonight.
He had a collar on, too. He does seem to belong to somebody. I wonder who.
I wish his leg didn’t hang on his body like that. It’s a bit disturbing.

He’s so jovial (as dogs often are) for not really having use of one of his limbs.
It’s weird. I think he might be some sort of sign from somewhere. I always have
to remind myself of the fact that nothing really matters if you’re not basically
happy overall. I don’t mean super-smiley, showing teeth all the time kind of happy…
just sort of an overall positive view on things. If the going isn’t getting better
and doesn’t seem like it’s going to anytime soon… then change direction.
You have that choice. That’s why we have brains.


I like that feeling you get when you’re working on some problems with a close
couple of friends and you’re making a lot of progress, and you might actually
be coming up with stuff that no one has thought of before. The possibility
that you might accomplish something new and interesting is more than enough to
motivate you to keep the discussion going well past your fatigue point. The discussion
doesn’t stop until it becomes senseless ramblings. Then, after you leave, you find
yourself still thinking about the issues yourself. Inspiration has struck.

really old


I’m back from SF. When we pulled up to my house at about 4am, we were greeted by a dog
that I see around from time to time. He looked skinnier than he had before, and he
was limping, favoring one of his back legs. On closer inspection, it looked like
his left back leg is dislocated or something like that. He might have been hit by a
car or something. That’s sucky.

He’s not mine, and I don’t really have room for a dog right now. It’ll
probably cost quite a lot to get his leg fixed. He’s awfully playful and



People in San Francisco are nicer in general than people in Los Angeles, but
they don’t seem to deal well with slightly stressful traffic situations.
We got honked at like 3 times today for no reason at all (we got honked
at a few more times because of our sucky driving, but that’s normal).
People up here must have low-stress jobs or something.

really old


There’s not a lot better than spending a day in a fun city with a group of
people you like.

Or Nutter Butter cookies, either.


I’m heading up to the bay area today to hang out with
Kenric and
Michael and
JavaJosh are going with me. We’re gonna
have a grand old time.

In case you’re worried, I will still be updating this page.

Some advice: Don’t cross an old lady. They can be dangerous.