really old


I’m not very inpsired at 11 am after staying up all night. Why did I stay up all
night you ask? Well, I was up all night making deals. Big deals. The kind of deals
that change the course of the world. People like you can only be jealous of the kinds
of deals that I was making. On account of them being so big, you know.

big, big, bug.


So. I’ve been stuck doing tech support for one of my pet projects
( ) for the
past few days. I don’t mind that much, but it sure puts me in a bad mood sometimes.
Some people are such buttheads. I just want to say, “Take your 10 measly dollars
and go somewhere else! See if I care! Let them deal with your
impatient, whining ass!”

But I don’t. It’s a business after all, and minorly profitable at that.

But I sure want to.

really old


It’s late, and I’m tired. Whine whine. Whatever.

Go here:

It’s a fun filled romp through the forest of life. It makes me laugh out loud every
time I read something there. Honestly. And I’m sort of hard to please sometimes.
You won’t regret it. I promise.

While you’re at it… go here, too:


Remember the smurfs? Weren’t they great? Wouldn’t it be cool if things like that really
existed? It’d be great because all the bullies in the world would have something else
to pick on. They’d have all these cute little blue guys (and a girl) that live
in mushrooms, and can’t seem to really express themselves very smurfy. Then maybe
they’d leave dorky guys like me alone.

We can all have our dreams.

really old


I heard on the radio while I was shopping at my local supermarket the other day
that we’re coming upon the 1 year anniversary of Princess Diana’s death. 1 year?
Wow. It doesn’t seem like it… Maybe that’s because the frickin’ media won’t let us
forget about it. It’s a terrible thing whenever anybody dies, especially someone
who’s British Royalty and really should know better than to be out driving around
with a crazy hooligan. But alas, what has happened has happened, and we can just forget
about it. Right? Please?



It sure was nice to get out of my good mood today. What a bunch of crap that can be.

I guess one good thing happened today. At least the president didn’t get away with his
indescretion. I say, “burn the fucker.” Let’s make it a live internet broadcast, too.
That’d be dope.

Now, maybe people will elect a president that has actually done something interesting.
All the ones people keep picking keep turning out to be assholes. Hmmm… I wonder
if there’s a pattern to it… nah.

really old


For god’s sake, let’s get past this stupid Bill Clinton incident. I’m at a loss about
what problem people are having with it. Yes, it’s sexual harassment. What’s the issue?
Are people shocked that it happens, shocked that the president does it, or shocked
that it’s on the news? Whatever the case may be… get over it. The world around us
is full of dumb male fuckers who can’t think of women as anything other than a pleasant
place to hang out in (so to speak). That’s not a frickin’ strange, unheard of thing.
It’s everywhere, all the time. In fact, it’s even a bit of an issue of respect between
men, especially professional men. If you don’t talk about girls with them, they’ll think
you’re weird (or maybe even, *gasp*, a fag or something). Who would vote for a president
that didn’t seem to like women? I would, but I’m one of those fuckers that doesn’t vote.

I’m so sick of the frickin’ politics all the time, and I’m even more sick of the people
who seem shocked all the time. Get a grip and read the National Enquirer or something.
That’s some really shocking stuff.


I think it sucks how people flip out so easy about the littlest things. I mean, it’s sort
of funny sometimes, but even laughing at really dumb people gets old after awhile. I
just wish people would use a little common sense once in awhile before they
flip out. The best example I can think of is this whole computer virus issue. I mean,
get a grip. For crying out loud. They are not transmittable to humans. You are not
going to have to put yourself or your family into quarantine. It’s just a frickin’
little computer program. It tends to be actually pretty hard to write effective ones,
so most of them just do something sort of amusing to your computer like make it crash
or something (I always burst into hysteric laughter when my computer crashes).

Geez. Get a grip. (and use a condom)

really old


iDallas Daily Prayer:
As a proud member of the Global Cult of iDallas (G-COID), you are asked to recite a simple
prayer every day at some point. It’s good to connect it to a daily activity, like
getting up in the morning, or going to bed. Here it is. You might have to
keep a small piece of paper with it written on it for awhile until you can say it from

Oh, iDallas, the giver and the the bringer of happiness,
Please bless me by favoring me today and allowing me to do
whatever it is I want to do so I can be a better person and
share my good fortune with the people around me.

That’s easy, right? Also, every day, you should ask for something that you really want.
You won’t necessarilly get it, but it’s good to want things, right?

Good examples are…
Please let me get a job this week.
Please let my family stay healthy and my muscles grow hard.
Please take this wart off of my finger.
Please give me huge pectoral muscles.
Please make my son gay.
Please don’t let another republican into office ever again.
Please make sure the sun comes up in the morning.
Please don’t let me go bald.

You get the idea.

Late Saturday:

Fundamental turned out really well.
Thanks to all.

I’m really drained now. Yikes.

Maybe I’ll just recommend a website to check out…
How about… The Head Space Project. It’s
super cool, and the design is really nice. It’s one of those super overblown 86 bit color
graphics pages that wants you to have a T12 hooked straight into your
QUAD-G3 PowerPC monster workstation, but it’s something to learn from. Check it out.
And don’t worry, it’s not as bad as I say…

Oh yeah …I meant another girl. iDallas is a player!