really old


I’ve started to notice that my own life is a little more boring that I had realized.
In lieu of boring everyone to tears, I’ll start filling in the boring bits of my
life with some random gibberish off the top of my head.

The girl’s weight felt very real and very right after what they had been through.
He bounced her a bit to tighten his grip and recenter her weight, and she moaned
quietly and momentarilly gripped him tighter. Nothing had felt so good in a very
long time. He felt needed. He had a reason.

And so he carried her in his arms as he walked along the deserted road. He didn’t
know where they were going, or what they were going to do once they got there.
That didn’t matter right now, though. Nothing mattered right now. The sun would be up
the rest of the way within a couple of hours, and the temperature would start to rise.

He had to find some shelter before then or no one would need either of them ever
again. He wasn’t worried, though. Nothing could bother him right now.


Why is that people have to be so selfish?

Case in point. When you’re sitting in a long line of cars, waiting for an
accident to be cleared up or whatever, everyone patiently waiting,
why do some people think
they have the right to just take the other lane (in this case into oncoming traffic)
and truck on ahead? Do they think the whole line of cars is just sitting there for
no reason? Do they think they’re going to stumble upon some secret path and make their
way onto freedom in the way of the open road? Do they consider for a moment the fact
that they will undoubtedly hit the same obstacle blocking all of the other cars, then
also have to turn around in a very narrow space (we were on a mountain road), or
back their way back to the end of the now longer line, and cause a little bit of headache
(and amusement) for everyone else involved?

I just can’t figure some people out.

really old


This blessing is at the expense of someone else…
I was at a restaurant with Fabio and Jorge.
Jorge wanted to apply some ketchup to his veggie burger. When he opened the ketchup
container, something strange happened. The ketchup inside the bottle leapt out,
aiming for freedom, landing in Jorge’s lap and all over the bit of the table
in front of him. It was funny. Something was definitely awry with that ketchup
container, too, because the ketchup kept flowing from it, right out of the top,
even after Jorge set it back down. I think maybe it was more than just ordinary
ketchup. I’ll probably never know for sure.

Late Saturday:

Deep in the depths of my mind, sometimes I feel a feeling that seems
to be telling me that things might just be ok. If I just sort of sit and try
to feel the aura of the earth, it is sort of soothing at times. It feels like
maybe people are ok, and they have been programmed to worry a lot of extra worry
about things just to make sure that nothing really bad will ever happen.
It is hard to ignore that a lot of bad things have happened, but maybe we just
don’t know the meaning of the word ‘bad’.

I think if every person decided that things would be ok, then they would.
I have no logical basis for that sort of silly notion, but sometimes it makes
me feel a little better and sometimes that’s just what I need.

really old

Late Saturday:

Sometimes, when I hear about some new bit of fighting between India and Pakistan, or I
hear about some new military technology that has been demonstrated by Israel, I worry.
I worry about the future of the Earth and about the future of the human race. I
guess it doesn’t really matter, but it really makes me wonder if I should be doing
something more directly useful. I sit here and I think and I write and I make
things that people like to look at and read, but does that really matter?

Am I having any effect on the the world at all? All of my fundamental
philisophical belliefs hinge on the fact that this world will long outlive me.
What if it doesn’t? That makes everything I think sort of silly. Should I
be shouting, “UTOPIA NOW!” in the streets? Should I be demonstrating
in front of McDonald’s on a weekly basis?

Aargh. So I sit and I wait, and I grow my hair longer.


Silly Song Day:
Beat me once! Beat me twice! Just beat me!
Beat me down! Beat me up! Just beat me!
(repeat until you’re really sick of it)

When I’m walking down the street
looking for some meat
I see them looking at me–hee.

They don’t know my name,
despite all my fame
But they’re looking just the same–hame.

Beat me once! Beat me twice! Just beat me!
Beat me down! Beat me up! Just beat me!
(repeat until you’re really sick of it)

So I look ’em in the eye,
and I let out a war cry (aaahhh)
and they know I’m a bad boy–aye!

And then the battle begins,
this war never ends
it’s the way of the night—
(the way of the night!).

Beat me once! Beat me twice! Just beat me!
Beat me down! Beat me up! Just beat me!
(repeat until you’re really sick of it)

really old


It was my birthday today. Thanks for forgetting about it! Nah, I forgive you.
I went out to eat with some friends. It was nice. We went to a brewery/restaurant
place in Pasadena, a mostly boring place in the Los Angeles area known for nice
restaurants and bored cops.

I’m a ripe 23 years now. That might sound old to you, and it might sound
young to you, but to me it sounds just right.

Now I just have to figure out how to act my age…


It’s sad what not having money can do to a person in our society. People without money
feel as if they have no way out of their situation. They start to believe that things
are not fair and there is no legal way for them to get what they need, and they
may be right.

At any rate, we have some friends that we feel we cannot trust. The friends in question
don’t have much money (read ‘not much’ as ‘any’). Now, when some has turned up
missing, we can’t help but wonder. Whether I feel guitly about my suspicions
or not, they still remain and I can’t deny them. I hope I’m not right, though.

really old


When I first left college and entered the corporate world a little over a year ago,
I found myself dropped into a new world with new interactions, new lingo, new jokes,
and new expectations. It was all foreign and strange. My first reaction was distaste.
“How can people live like this?” I wondered. Since then I’ve adapted and started
to realize that even the people completely submerged in this foreign world don’t take
it all so seriously. I’ve begun to document a phenomenon I’ll call
“corporate banter”.

Here’s an example. A coworker today got an email from a woman at another company
(whom he does not know in person). They had planned to meet to discuss some
work-related stuff.
She referred to the meeting like this: “I thought we had gotten
our thingies in synch…”
She was merely referring to their schedules, but it gave me a giggle.


Doh! I stayed up past 5am on a work night!
Why do I do this to myself?

That’s gonna hurt in the morning.