really old





really old


Why do people spend so much time putting down what other people do? Are people really so unsure of themselves?

I say that because the only rational reason I can see to put down somebody else is to make yourself feel better. I know some people would say it’s just “fun” or something, but if that’s the case, then I really don’t understand what fun is.

I rant about this fairly regulary, and lots of other people talk about it, too. But, what is wrong with human-kind? Why do we feel the need to compete with one another?

We will be our own end.


Somehow, I’ve spent the whole day so far reading and responding to email and reading a few web pages here and there.

I’m glad I can do that.

I only slept 7 and a half hours last night, too.

Now, I think I’m going to try to get some real work done today. I can do it.

rah rah rah.

really old


I got my new computer last night. Yay. It’s a PC. Weird. I put BeOS on it. It works great, but the applications for BeOS R4 haven’t started coming out yet… they will in the next couple of weeks, though.

I’ve been coming up with some really great things to talk about when I send out the next G-COID message. If I can remember them.

Life is still cruising by. Christmas is approaching. I want to get my parents some really nice things. Things they actually want. There’s this weird game we play in my family where everyone sort of pretends that the Christmas gifts they get don’t really make them happy or anything. I’d like to give them something that will break through that whole game and bring a real smile to their faces.

I’ll see what I can come up with.


Dry heaves.

Wet leaves.

Clogged Toilets.

A glass of vomit?

really old


Why is it there are things that people do not talk about with each other? What is everyone so afraid of? People start out as children and as children we are taught to not talk about certain things in public. We are taught to be afraid of hurting someone else’s feelings. So, then we are taught to isolate some of our thoughts from other thoughts. Some thoughts become acceptable and others are not. I believe that is an unhealthy mental situation. There should be no walls or divisions within our thoughts. That only leads to walls or divisions between ourselves and between each other.


All these words are piling
up in my head and
sometimes no ones is
there to listen to me…
and I admit it gets sort
of old anyway…

So I tell you, and you
listen. Always. You never
get tired of hearing me
spill the mysteries of my mind.

You are my soul.

(this goes along with the
Weekly Shine)

really old


I spent the last 4 hours (it’s now 3:30 AM) jamming with a bunch of people, playing records, bongos, congas, timbales, cowbells, blocks of wood, a bass guitar, a guitar, some shaker things, and a Roland synthesizer.

It was pretty hectic, but a whole heck of a lot of fun. Playing music (or … making noise) with a bunch of people is so much more fun than playing with yourself… oops, I mean *by* yourself.

Silly me.

hee hee.


I did something dumb today… I had to drive out to fix the Dreambook server (azrael). It’s about a 20 minute drive from my house (with no traffic). So, I drove out there, and just as I was pulling into the parking lot, I realized I had left my keys at home. Fuck!

Fuck! (picture me banging on the steering wheel) Fuck! Fuck!

Oh well. I had to drive back and get them. And then the problem I had to fix was pretty minor.

I got to listen to “Loveline” on the radio, though. That made it all ok, sort of.

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