really old


I have recently started developing a bit of an obsession with my own dental health. That’s right, the health and general well-being of my teeth, gums, and my mouth as a whole has been weighing down on me a little bit more than usual lately.

I don’t know what brought it on. My teeth are in ok shape, though they could be better. I don’t go to the dentist. It’s against my philosophy. Just think… who is it that tells you to go see the dentist every 6 months? The ADA, right? And who is that? Well… it’s the American Dental Association. Well, who do you suppose is in the ADA? You guessed it! A whole lot of money-grubbing dentists! And I’m not falling for it.


I’m a part of the rat-race. I’m a rat. I’m not proud of it, but it’s true. I follow the other rats, and I try to figure out the maze so I can get to the cheese first. Nobody likes second-hand cheese droppings. No, sir!

I’m thinking about buying a new car. That’s how they getcha! New cars are fun. But then you’re hooked. You’re in debt, already… you might as well just buy a jet-ski, too! And then a fishing boat, and then an expensive painting!

And then you meet her. Who, you ask? Well, the woman you fall in love with. And then you want to buy her an expensive piece of jewelry. And then you’re hooked for life. Then you buy a house and another car and then you have a kid and then you might as well kiss that jet-ski good-bye because she thinks it’s noisy.

That’s how they getcha. Don’t buy into it!

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really old


Now, I’m in the midst of computer upgrade decision turmoil. What option is the best? What will make me the happiest with the smallest financial hardship? There are some cheaper things that would make me happy, but for how long?

Having money only makes you want more!

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I did it! I rearranged my room. I also put up a new Weekly Shine showing the pre-rearrangement mess.

Things are still pretty hectic in my room (I have a lot of stuff!), but everything is starting to come together… my new desk-like unit is much better.

Onward ho!

Oh yeah, I also sent out a new G-COID message. It was pretty cool, if you’re not on the list, you should sign up below right away!

really old


We went to a daytime thing today… it was a promotional thing for something or another… I don’t know exactly what. It was sorta fun. There were 20 or 30 kids there and Jorge played pretty good.

I had a can of Asahi to help me get my groove on. It helped. Beer goes well with Sundays. There’s something about that day right before the start of the work week that makes you want to forget about some of the things you normally worry about. Beer’s good for that. I don’t tend to drink more than one, though. One is enough to just mellow you out without really triggering that drink-till-yer-drunk instinct.

So. Today was mellow. Now I’m gonna do the Weekly Shine and rearrange my room a bit. A good end to the week (even if the Weekly Shine is a bit late).


My room is too small! I’ve been gradually accumulating electronic equipment over the past year or so. I’ve also been gradually organizing things more and more to fit stuff in, but it’s becoming quite clear that I need a bigger room. Unfortunately, there are no free rooms in my house… I’ll just have to deal.

I’m gonna try to do a more drastic rearrangement tonight… I have an idea that might give me some more space and more desktop space… that would make me happy.

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Las Vegas sorta sucks because you have to be 21 or over to do just about anything… I’m over 21, but I know lots of people who aren’t. I sort of think I might always know lots of people who are under 21, too.

Anyway, the whole city is sort of a fascist ageist regime. There are some specific places that are explicitly designed to be fun for children, but who really has fun at any place explicity designed for that purpose? It’s much more fun to just hang out and do stuff that looks interesting…

Amusement parks are for the meek-minded.

And Las Vegas pretends to be fun for all and then they sort of treat you like dirt if you’re not gonna waste your childrens’ inheritance on their stupid games.

Oh well.

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I didn’t manage to make any updates yesterday… and then today cruised on by. Oh well.

I called that girl today. I talked to her for about 10 minutes and nothing very interesting was said. She has my number now, though. Maybe I’ll get some phone calls…

I bought some new records today, too. That’ll help get me back on track after some of mine were stolen… sucky world.

While we were out and about, we ate at a nice Mediterranean place and saw some cuties. That’s always enough to put you in a good mood.

Now, I’m sitting around waiting for something fun to happen while I deal with some dumb computer problems… I’m gonna rearrange my room a little if nothing fun happens soon.

really old


Las Vegas is a strange town. It’s sort of pathetic in some ways. There’s all these multi-billion dollar buildings with lots of crazy lights saying, “Look at me!,” “Visit me!,” “Notice me!”

It’s a relentless, ongoing display of gross capitalism. It’s sort of exciting to see all the excess, but I just start worrying about all the energy that goes into it and I wonder if all this fun is really worth it.

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So. I got to Las Vegas last night for Comdex. I wasn’t able to get to a computer to do an update until now. Novell has a big thing with computers available for people to use. Most of them seem to just be looking at random web pages. I’m not sure exactly why they would travel all the way to Las Vegas to do that, but whatever.

This thing is pretty huge. We’re in what I think is the smaller of the two convention centers. First, we went down to the Basement, where Be was, and that was sort of fun, but seeing the booth was a little anti-climactic because I’ve sort of already seen or read about all the stuff… the rest of the stuff down there was pretty boring. In the main hall, we saw a huge Creative Labs (the people who make Sound Blaster sound cards) booth. There was a big crowd, but they didn’t seem to be doing anything…

One booth has 3 of the SF Cheerleaders, too… sort of strange. It was some company I had never heard of, too.