really old


A ringing goes ring ring in my ears.
A feeling goes woah woah in my fears.
A fire burns out late in the night
and I still can’t stop thinking,
about you.

A dripping goes drip drip in the rain.
A drooping goes woah woah on my face.
A fool looks at me and shakes his head,
and I still can’t stop thinking,
about you.

really old


It sounds like most of my friends are into voting. There is some hope for the future generation, despite my pessimism.

really old


I watch over her as she sleeps.
I am not there, but she feels me,
I hope.

Wild eyes watch the blind lines in the dark,
and think of nothing.
Chasing circles of romantic hope.

really old


There’s so much open space across America and it seems to mostly be filling up with large stores, restaurants, cinemas, and minimalls. It looks the same almost everywhere I’ve been… lots of open, grassy sort of areas… with lots of big, brand-new buildings popping up in place of wildflowers and tumbleweed.

I guess that’s what urban sprawl is, and it seems to be the primary thought export of Los Angeles.


really old


my heart is caught in a net of contradiction.
ahaha. That’s so melodramatic.
I can’t seem to let myself feel what I think I should feel. And it’s because I’m afraid it’ll sting me later. I should just let loose and be free and wild, but I guess maybe the time for that has past me by, or maybe I haven’t found it yet.

There will be a time when the winds will blow and I’ll hear the call of love thumpa thumpa in my ears and I’ll know it’s my time to heed that call and let go of myself and my theories of emotion.

Yeah yeah. I can hear it, call-ing in the air to-night. ahaha.
Oh my.

really old


Logic. Logistics.
Statistics. Smiles.
Count it up.

Write it down. Remember forever the paths we’ve burnt down, the trails we’ve misled and misread.

Ahaha. Yeah. Don’t forget.
We can’t let this happen again.

really old


see my knee
connected to my phi-
jerk reaction.
comatose emotions…

really old


Kids today aren’t taught to sacrifice. They’re taught they can have whatever they want if they work hard enough. But what do we tell them if they ask us if they can have an end to hunger or poverty in the world? We smile and tell them to stop being silly. “You can’t have that!”, we say. And then when the children ask us why not, we don’t know what to tell them and we just smile a little smile and pat their little heads.

You have to sacrifice something before you can understand the true value of what you have.

really old


an invitation
to ignite
you farts.
ahahah. ahem.
no thanks.

really old


Drag my feet up to the stop light.
Watch and wait and the color red stands bright and tall against my path.
Turn and go the other direction, just too late, and I am stuck again. All is not lost perhaps because the original path is now clearly green, but once a man changes his mind, there’s no going back.