really old


Life is so hard… everyone wants things and everyone wants to be with certain people, and unfortunately those things don’t always all work out… you have to make some sacrifices. I feel like I really want to put my own personal goals as very high priorities, but I’m starting to wonder if I can really make it without some more significant emotional support in my life…

It’s a compromise of sorts… an adult relationship is a very complex thing… if you look at it analytically. What it really comes down to is that analyzes every little thing will never ever lead to happiness. Never.

Science is not about being happy. Science is not about being anything really. Art’s not really about being happy, either, but happy is in there. Who wants to be happy all the time, anyway?

I don’t… that’s for sure… but I would like to be happy once in awhile.

really old


We always end up in arguments. We’re getting better about it, though. We’re starting to discuss that issue itself. It’s a thing.

There’s a lot of things. That’s something I’ve come to realize. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand all of the things that go on. In fact, I’m pretty sure I won’t.

I’ve started keeping a paper journal. I don’t know why… it just happened. I’ve been neglecting this one as a result. I’ve been writing about things that I hide from all of you. Maybe I’ll get brave and let some of them out. I’ve been dealing with some of my more tender issues lately.

I do have tender issues. Yes, I do.

really old


People are unreliable and fickle and they don’t do what you tell them and they don’t do what you’d like them to do.

I guess that’s what makes life interesting, and the extra little things that happen as a result of the inconsistency of life is what makes the world go around.

really old


Hmmm. These posts have slipped a day behind somehow… don’t worry, I’ll catch up.

So, I noticed while I was in the store shopping for dishsoap that Proctor & Gamble, the
evillest capitalist fuckers around, make like every single brand of dishsoap, laundry
detergent and all that sort of stuff. Well, they don’t make every single brand, but
they make more than anybody else, and more than half of them in a lot of cases. That’s
creepy. They make Tide, Era, Cheer, and All. All four of those! I stay away from
them because they test on animals and they are fuckers. Fuckers. Anyway, then today
while I was in the bathroom, it occurred to me that my charmin toilet paper was
probably made by them, too… they like product names like that… so I looked
on the back, and sure enough it says Proctor & Gamble! fuckers.

really old


My rhododenrons are doing ok. I need to water them more. It’s actually a very nice sort of flower. I didn’t know much about them until Margo bought me one. I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say it’s my favorite flower yet, but it is the only real flower I have in my office. That’s something.

In case you were wondering.

really old


I’ve been sorta lonely, lately. I think I’ve been noticing certain moments more than others, and those moments are the ones when I’m walking to my car after a night of fun or I’m laying in bed trying to fall asleep, thinking to myself.

It’s the times when I really am by myself. Sometimes, I’m so busy I don’t have time to take notice. But, sometimes the feeling asserts itself enough, and I can’t help but pay attention.

And then last night I had a dream involving Ally McBeal! Help!

really old


I’m a control freak.
I make mistakes.
I don’t listen to other people enough.
I make a big deal out of insignificant things.

really old


I should call a certain girl that’s been in my mind. A few girls have actually been in my mind, but I should call one of them in particular. I just got her number recently.

She’s interesting. I like interesting. I think she might even be somewhat inspiring. I like that, too. We’ll see. I’ll call her soon.

really old


Oh my! Phones are working at the new building. Whoo!
It was easy. I don’t know what’s been taking so much time up to now.

Oh well.
Things are still moving forward despite all my whining.

And I got a nice comment from a reader today.

new millenium chronicle

really old


la la la.

We went to a party way out in San Bernadino last night… there weren’t that many kids there, and the music was a little whack. I was tired and my neck was sorta sore from jumping on a trampoline.

It was nice to see the 30 or 40 people who did stay all the way until the end. Almost everyone was dancing and was very appreciative of the music. That’s nice to see at 5:30 am.

Then we had to drive all the way home…