really old


How many billion people?
And not one of us has a clue?

I am not really angry. But Ani DiFranco always puts me in a serious sort of mood. Maybe I should be listening to poppier music.

Nah. I’ll be ok.

I don’t really have any new gripes with the world today.
Same old stuff.

really old


I worked on a track last night. It’s coming along. I have to fight the urge to record it before it’s ready, though. The problem with that is I’ll probably get tired of it before it’s finished enough to be ready.

Maybe I should just record when I want to and just keep adding pieces and components and keep working on stuff and just go go go.

That sounds good.

We visited a paintball park the other day. We didn’t do any shooting, but I can say that’s a weird place!

really old


Someone wrote me some nice comments. Thank you someone.

What’s weird is that he talks about how he feels like he knows me (which is quite a sweet compliment, I think) but I don’t know him. It’s true. See how above I only call him ‘someone’? That proves.

I guess one thing I think, though, is that I now know him better than I’ll ever know most of the people I see in the supermarket.

This crazy communications technology has made the whole concept of geography irrelevant. That is sort of neat because it allows new ideas to form that never would have before, but it’s sort of sucky because people don’t even hang out with their next-door neighbors anymore. I’ve said this before, but it’s still true.

It’s sad. But this is the blessing, so thanks someone for making me happy.

really old


Sage and I went to LinuxWorld and saw lots of dorky stuff. It was fun. It was in San Jose, which is sort of a boring town, I think.

We saw Linus Torvalds (the guy who invented and continues to be a primary developer for the Linux operating system) talk about some world issues. That was interesting.

I’m out of wisdom at the moment. Sorry.

really old


It’s so hard to please everyone.
Sometimes, it’s even so hard to please anyone.

But its not about pleasing other people. It’s about pleasing yourself. As long as you are happy, the world will notice.

really old


I just slept for about 14 hours, but mygod I am alive!

I had a crazy dramatic night followed by a party night and a long discussion the next day. Then I went to bed and slept and slept and slept.

I need to figure out how to get my schedule back on track now.

really old


I just realized something interesting:

Kung-fu movies are technological poetry.

And the art has grown.

really old


It’s hard to make any group of people with any real size agree on anything all the way.

People will always have their little issues. Some people just have to have their opinions heard, no matter how relavant (or not) they might be. Some people.

But without those people, nothing would happen at all. Funny that.

really old


I called the girl I met in San Diego just now… and the number she gave me has been disconnected.

I wonder what the means. Either she has a strange sense of humor or she doesn’t pay her bills. I can deal with either of those possibilities, I think.

I wonder how I am going to contact her now.
I know her first name and the city she lives in… I wonder if the Internet could help me…

I’ll give it a shot.

really old


I have not been updating things as quickly as I’d like lately. I have been having some fun in my own realworld fun palace.

Some of the time, I think that might be true if I were to stop and care.

I have little time to care sometimes. I feel that one day I will be able to turn my head and look back on what I have done and take a moment to be proud of myself before trudging ever forward.

Hopefully, everyone behind me will be able to do the same, all the way down the ladder.