really old


I slept a lot again last night. Raar. Now I feel sort of overslept… like my head in rolling around in a tub of molasses.

I’ll deal, though.

Somebody complained that one of the dreamhost users was using our machine to ping flood them… I wish people wouldn’t do stupid stuff like that. Jerko-s.

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really old


I’ve been sleeping a lot again. I’m putting that in here because it’s not really a good thing overall. I get enough sleep always… that’s not really the issue. It’s when I start deciding to sleep more than normal that there starts to be a problem…

I think I just realized that it was probably because I had been drinking a lot of Coke last week… and then I stopped this week… I was sleeping more because of the comedown from the caffeine. That sounds silly, I know, but I assure you it’s not. That stuff is crazy. Coke’ll kill you. It sure does hit the spot sometimes, though…

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really old


We had a great BBQ at our house yesterday! A really good group of people came
over to drink some beer, cook up some food, and have a grand ol’ time. It
was a lot of fun. BBQ’s are nice because you get all the leftovers, too. People
bring over stuff and then don’t eat it and they leave it with you! Wha-hoo!

I was still tired from Saturday night’s party, but it was a good end to the weekend.
I rolled out of bed just in time to greet the first guests, sans shower. It’s good
to be young and free!

really old


I spent today gliding through my moments, bouncing here and over there, wildy
wondering what experience I might encounter next. I spend most days like that.
It’s strange, because I am quite organized while I’m bouncing hither and thither.
I have to be, because I try my darnedest to never really quite figure out where
it is I’m going. I sometimes start to act as if I might have a plan, but then,
more often than not I end up suddenly changing my mind at the last moment and doing
something spontaneous despite my better planning…

really old


I went to Fry’s today. I went there yesterday, too. That was dumb of me, but
that’s another story. Fry’s is a huge electronics store, in case you haven’t
been there. They have lots of electronic stuff, and it’s pretty cheap, too.
It’s a huge warehouse version of Radio Shack, with better stuff. The world just wouldn’t
be as good without it.

One thing that’s especially cool about it is that you can take anything you buy back
for up to 30 days after the purchase date. Anything! That’s an especially big plus.
Another big plus is that you get to see a huge selection of all the nerds, dorks, and
geeks in the local area all at one time… It’s kind of nice. It makes
you feel a little at home, and it also makes you feel better about yourself, because
a lot of them are even dorkier than you…

really old

Tuesday (barely):

Erk! I stayed up late discussing semi-important stuff and then I had to get up early
to make an appointment, but then I got up too late and the appointment had to be
rescheduled because of my tardiness so now I’m all tired and the internet sucked for me
today so that’s that.

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really old


Beating. Beating. Beating. I haven’t really had much to complain about lately,
and it’s shown. I’ve been mostly just whining about mostly insignificant stuff
and making you all suffer through it. Oh, poor you! Whine, whine. Anyway.

Yesterday, I was the victim of some strange African disease or something. It landed
on me after I spent all Friday night rocking and rolling to some freaky-funky
hard-ass jungle vibez with some kids from my local preschool (those little guys and gals
can really party!). I was a bit more tired on Saturday than I normally am and I
ended up not going anywhere at all. I feel a little bad about that because I turned down
some offers to do some fun stuff, but things just didn’t happen. You know
how that is, right? Well, anyway, I ended up sleeping most of the day and
then going to bed early, too.. it was crazy! And then yesterday and I woke up at noon
or something, and I felt like sheeyot (that’s ghettospeak for poop). My head
was all achey, and I couldn’t really pay attention or eat that much, and I kept having
sort of hot flashes… I was hot, but the fan made me cold… I ended up huddling under
the covers with the fans blowing on me to try to maintain some sort of equilibrium…
Anyway, I’ve felt worse, but yesterday sucked.

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Fan Appreciation Day:
This is a real email I received from a real fan! … (continued from the
Daily Blessing). I responded asking he if
was trying to be funny or insulting… and this is his response to that.

Trying, and succeeding, I might add, at being insulting. Perhaps its not the
case, but it looks like someone’s daddy bought him a domain name, a
digi-cam, and micro$oft frontpage. I bet you print all of those cheezy
little pictures of yourself and tape them all over your room. I asked a
friend of mine, just for fun and giggles, what she thought of your
delightful little ‘site’ and you’ll be pleased to know, its not just me that
thinks you’re a conceited twit. well, its been a pleasure talking to you
again… Take two of these reality pills, and call me in the morning.

The word is out, and the reviews are in: People are talking about

    “yeah this guy needs either a good woman or a good slap”
    “yeah this guy has too much time and too much money”

well… have a happy night, my friend… try not to snap too many pictures
of yourself on the way to bed.


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I’ve noticed that there hasn’t been much difference between my blessings and my
beatings lately. That’s sort of weird. I usually start either one with the idea
that I am actually going to stick to the topic category at hand, but then somewhere
during my meandering thoughts something weird happens and everything just goes to poop.
I hope you don’t mind. I’m still irritated by some Australian nincompoop (is that
how you spell that?) who sent me a weird email. Man. You don’t want my life.

And that’s good, because I don’t want yours, either.

We checked out a new spot for a party happening tomorrow night. It’s an industrial space.
Oh my, I want to get my own industrial space. There was so much room! I want
to get a big open room, with some smaller partitioned off rooms for personal stuff, and
I want to have a big jungle gym in the middle of it! I want to be able to climb around
on the junge gym whenever I want… Oh my. I’m so looking forward to that.

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really old


This is a happy day. It’s happy because I have decided it is. I got a creepy email
from some guy, though. I’m not sure how to feel about it. It made me feel all funny,
like I had been abused. I guess the attention is ok, though… wait, this is a happy day.
Join the new mailing list to find out more about that. Happy.

I’m not sure how I feel about people who spit outside. Why can’t they just swallow
their spit like everybody else? It’s people like that who force those generous,
caring law-makers to make evil, restrictive laws. Don’t those people know they’re
ruining things for everyone? What a bunch of happy crackers.

If this was hard to digest, try mixing it with the new
Special Sauce.