Fan Mail Day:
Dear iDallas,
You are the most wonderful and sincere being I have ever encountered on the internet.
You may even be the most wonderful and sincere being I have encountered in the universe, too.
Reading your website is pretty much a spiritual thing for me. I have developed a little routine
that I use to prepare myself for it. Here’s how it goes: I get up in the morning, wearing
my see-through nightie that I always wear to tease the construction workers working next door
and I walk out into the den, where the computer is. I walk very quietly so I don’t disturb my
dad (he’s a writer and he needs his sleep), and I walk up to our computer. I always approach it from
the left side, because that’s the side the sun comes into the window from and I think that
should always be approached that way because it’s so keen. When I get up to the computer, I slowly
put my hands up onto the computer tower, near the top, right above the CD player part. Then I look
up into the sky (or actually, just the cieling, but I pretend it’s the sky)
and I try to fill my head with all the images of you I have seen on the Weekly
Shine. Then I just sit there and let my mind go free so I can be ready to read your wisdom
without any other distractions. Then I just read it. I try to laugh out loud if I can, but not too
loud so I don’t wake my dad. Usually, I am able to, but occasionally I can’t because it’s not that
funny. Oh well. You’re so close to perfect, it doesn’t even matter!
With All my Heart,
also, new thing in special sauce as of the 29th