really old


I was talking to some woman on the phone today. She was a head-hunter, somebody
who’s job it is to bug professional techie people like me while we’re at work
to try to get us to hire some nimrod that has gone to ask them for help finding
a job. She asked me my name, and I say iDallas (well, I left off the i, but whatever),
and she sort of took a deep breath (kind of like a reverse sigh), and said, “Oh!
I’m from Dallas! How do you spell it?”

“Just like the city.”

“Oh, how neat!”

I love that.


I love those times when you are hanging out with somebody and you don’t have to worry
about what you say or how you say it or what you do or how you
do it or how you smell or what you smell and its not hard to think of things to say, and
in fact its hard to stop thinking of things to say, and before you know it the day
has mostly passed and you realize you’re really hungry, and then you don’t have to
spend too much time trying to think of a place to go because you already know
what you both like.

Is it just me?

really old


So. Today I went shopping for some razor blades. I looked the health products section
up and down for a long time without luck. Kinda weird, I thought. Then, I looked
through the office supplies section (I live for the office supplies section…)
and whoomp there they were. There was a box of 10 for a buck and a half, and a box
of (hold me back, sweet mother of jesus) 100 (!!) for like 5 bucks.

h u h ?

How does that math work out?

I considered for a moment opening my own razor blade stand out front and undercutting
them and selling single razor blades… I’d make an absolute killing!

but alas, I bought into the system and spent the $1.50 and got jacked. I’m always
getting jacked these days. Crummy.


List day.

Video games, cartoons, blue eyes, long legs, hairy spiders, the Beastie Boys,
drum n bass, veggie corndogs, muscle cars, cryptic command-line interfaces
understandable only by people who deserve to be paid lots of money,
Nutter Butter cookies ( is not registered!), icicles, Bloody Marys,
peanut butter, Batman: The Animated Series, Civilization II, BeOS, pouty lips,
Ally McBeel, Ani DiFranco, red hair, soft skin, Indian food, big tattoos,
perky nipples, passionate feelings.

really old


List Day:

That head pain that you get when eating cold things too fast, sticky palms,
windy days, yellow sports cars, sucky drivers, sucky traffic, tight blue jeans,
popular music, blood sausage, the Year 2000 problem, dumb holidays
(like national asparagus day), grumpy people, hearing something straight
from the horse’s mouth, unimaginative lame-o doctors who think they know
what’s best for you better than you do, cockroaches, slimy things, cheap chinese
food, grease, big fat meat, unfulfilled hopes and dreams, insincerity.


Today’s entry is a What if…? sort of beating. It really would be a bit of a beating
if this ever were to happen. What if the United States starting requiring
all citizens to fulfill some sort of football duty? You know, like how in
Ancient Sparta, everyone had to do some military duty? It’s true. They were very into
being tough and they were a military state, so everybody had to go through military
training, and also serve for a year or two. Crazy stuff.

So… I was thinking how much it would suck if everyone had to go through some
football training and then play for a couple of seasons to prove their devotion
to the country or something. Seems like a silly thought now, but just wait until it
happens. Who’ll be laughing then? Who else?… John Madden and OJ Simpson.

really old


Lately, I’ve been on this “isn’t it fun to talk about social gatherings?” kick. Today’s
no change. I went bowling at this place where this groovin’ band called
OOSoul (pronounced double-oh soul) was playing.
It’s hard to grab the attention of a bunch of bowlers intent on knocking a bunch of pins
down, but they did it. They’ve become a bit of a favorite of my circle of friends, and
if you live in LA, they’re worth checking it.

Bowling and Funk. That’s the way to live.


One of the guys at work took some of us out to lunch on Friday to thank us for work
we had done to help him out in the past. It was a really nice gesture since we tend
to be the people who hear all the complaints and rarely get thanked. It was cool, too.
We got along pretty well, didn’t talk about work too much, and had some nice drinks.
It was at this little place near UCLA. It has a very UCLA sort of vibe. It was sort
of good ol’ fashioned American, with pictures of celebrities or sports heros or something,
wood bookshelves with American classics piled high, and a full bar in the middle
of the restaurant.

I had a pint of what was supposed to be pear cider, but we think may have been peach cider
or something. It tasted pretty good, and gave me a pretty nice buzz to take as a
souvenir back to work with me.

It was a nice highlight at the end of a hectic week.
Sometimes I think that’s what life’s all about. Those nice moments with friends are
what keeps the world truckin’ along. We all put up with everything that goes on
so we can just have some of those now and then. I think everyone wants more of those
moments, but eventually just settles for what they can get. That’s sad.

I am glad I have another moment to stow away in my collection of fond memories, though.
Thanks, all.

really old


I’m a bit annoyed that I actually seem to require a full night’s sleep at least 3 or so
out of every 7 nights or I end up a complete useless mess before too long. That may
seem like a weak beating topic to you tough biatches out there, but it affects my life.
There’s something about the feel of the music playing in the still of the house at 3am
that just motivates me to do things. That’s when I get my best writing done. That’s
when I reach my moments of clarity (relative clarity, alright?). It just sucks
to have that feeling that I really should get to bed so I won’t be too tired
at work in the morning. Who’s life am I living?

Anyway, I just end up tired at work. I still get stuff done, but boy do I get
grumpy occasionally. Oh well. I guess you all luck out, but now you know what I
go through.

Man, my life sucks…

How about yours?


Today, I went to lunch with a bunch of people. The place we went to was sort of busy,
and it took awhile for us to get our food so we talked about a lot of things before it
got there. Our discussion went from Cliff Hangers (those matchbox car type things
that drove up the wall) to RC cars to real cars to war machines and on and on. We were
having a good ol’ time. And then someone brought up the Discovery Channel. They
talked about some show about the history of model trains. Apparently it was sort of
boring, but both of them watched it anyway. We also talked about the Great Pyramids
and all the crazy facts associated with them.

I sure am glad there are so many fun things to talk about, or I would have had to endure
one boring, long wait for my food.