really old


Pluck my fear from my face.
Poke your anger into my back.
Do what you need to do to love me.

Make me no mind, with a pleasant disposition.
Or perhaps a convenient place to lay your head.
Or maybe the solution to everything wrong,
The bringer of all that is wonderful.

Fight with my happiness,
and wrestle with my tears.
Feel my heart wash over yours,
and forget your tombstone forever.

Alive or sad.
Life do us part.
We will worship each other,
until the sun remembers our names.

really old


I really do believe that people can live together and share thoughts and ideas and make love in peace and universal harmony. I really do. Sometimes, I start to wonder… but then I find some amazing new person or thing or hear some wonderful new music, or see some mesmerizing new movie… It just takes something beautiful like that to remind me that there really is more than just my worldly worries. It’s not that things are perfect or anything, but maybe my problems really don’t matter a whole lot at all…

The only thing that really does matter, I guess, is my own happiness. I don’t know how to define that sort of thing, though… and my logical mind can’t deal with undefined quantities… or something. I don’t know how to work towards something I can’t imagine.

I guess maybe I’m not supposed to imagine it, though. I think maybe I’m just supposed to be it. Just be, right? Yeah, hah. easy.

really old


There are a lot of very beautiful and amazing people around.. and I think I might even know some of them. Sometimes, I just sort of think about how crazy about some of my friends I am. I guess a lot of people probably feel pretty close to the people around them, but just what is that feeling? That camaraderie thing?

I notice it more when music is playing… and when the people around me are not minding each other’s faults.

really old


my mind
far from here

high up
above you and yours

less and less
the more I watch

maybe so
do I care?

really old


I am a snob. I like to come up with ideas and pretend I am sharing, but how can I really be sharing ideas unless you have a way to share, too?

You could just send me email… but I could just throw it away… and that’s probably what I’d do … ahaggghaha.

I did a Special Sauce. Whoo!

really old



spout your nonsense
a little louder
if you please

my own fear
of failure and consequence
tends to clog my ears

really old


the circles are converging and closing… the time for bringing in new nodes is dissolving. Who will continue to be the socialites, and who will just settle for whatever’s left?

It’s a sad state of affairs in many ways, but some people are just so short-sighted. It’s sometimes pretty hard to look beyond today, or even tomorrow, but there is always another day. And if there isn’t… well, it doesn’t really matter anyway.

really old


a pile of rubble
is sitting on my head.
it sort of hurts, but I can move a little
to get a better position.
and that helps.

I’m currently trying to poke out one
of the rocks with my tongue, so I can get
a sweet taste of real, fresh air.

really old


I’m still having trouble keeping my focus. I’m interested in a million different things around me all the time. That’s good, but sometimes maybe I’m not really so interested as I might think… maybe I’m just looking for something to distract myself with because I’m having trouble committing to actually finishing anything…

I am starting to feel a bit of a reluctance to really commit something… I guess I’m still young, but it seems to be increasing a bit. I’m less sure of myself all the time.

really old


Iemon rods
and ice cubes
lick my fingers
and watch me run

all down
always up
throw down a lick
and here I come

drizzle and shine
thick with thin
melancholy carnival
time out of mind.