I had some Cuban food today for lunch. It was pretty good. Rice, black beans,
yuccas, and plaintains. I love plaintains. If you haven’t had them, they’re
banana-like things that are usually fried. They’re commonly found in Jamaican and
Cuban food. They’re something not to miss. If you have never had them, you
should seek them out. Look in the phone book for Jamaican or Cuban food and go out
and order a whole lot of them.
Category: really old
One good thing that always comes out of a big confrontation between any group of
people and the authorities is a feeling of togetherness and some degree of unity.
People who are oppressed together stay together. Right? It’s not like ravers in
general have much to complain about, in general. They’re mostly suburban middle class
kids. The only problem they really have is boredom. They try to act as if they
are all some sort of utopian group, but they’re not. Occasionally, however, something
really messed up happens at a party, and for a little while everyone gets serious.
Maybe something real will come out of it. Just maybe.
I think it sucks that people don’t just get along and that there are lots of men out
there who think the only good use for a woman involves their penis. I think there’s
lots of other uses for a woman, mostly involving my big toe. Seriously, though.
Why can’t people just pretend for a minute that they don’t really think they’re such
hot shit and just really pay attention to how people respond to them? So many people
tell dumb jokes that no one laughs at. What’s the point in that? Also,
men make sort of sexual flirty comments to women and sometimes don’t really get much
response. Do they think that means the woman is flattered? I doubt it. A woman
will let you know if she’s flattered. You can count on that.
Don’t listen to me, though. I’m no pro or anything.
The dog who adopted us as a household and who was the subject of a daily beating
awhile back (we don’t have a name for him, but we sort of jokingly call him “Gimpy”)
seems to be recovering from whatever was wrong with his leg. He’s actually walking on it
now! He still looks a bit weird and kinda hops along a little, but he does seem
to be getting better. That makes my whole month.
Also, there is a finally a hint of a cool breeze coming in through my window. It took
until 1:34 AM, but the heat of the day is starting to break. Maybe I can get some
work done now.
I did get new tires, despite the glaring sun and ungodly heat. And my car is so
happy with me now. I can just feel how delighted it is to be my car. It just purrs now
(or sort of tries its best, anyway). I’ve made my car happy, and that makes me happy.
I went to the mall today. That’s always fun. There’s something so appealing about
teenage girls in skimpy outfits.
And the boys are so young and fresh. And they call bars meat markets…
Silly Poem Day:
Oh wonderous creatures of the moon,
hear my call tonight.
It is your energy and wisdom,
that will get me through my plight.
Turn your ears towards me,
oh fox and and the sea.
Because I am one bad mutha,
and that’s all I’ll ever be.
Hmmm. Did anything bad happen today? I didn’t find as many records
as I wanted to. That’s a little sucky, but nothing to complain about.
I didn’t find true love today. That’s sorta sucky, too. I can deal,
My heart kept beating for another day…
just kidding…
No. It really did keep beating, but that’s a lame thing for a blessing. That’s
more like the absence of a beating. Well, I guess that’s a blessing in itself.
I watched some Anime tonight. It was crazy. I got to witness the power of love.
Some of us New Dream Network members had
an IRC discussion today. We were going to try to figure out how to encourage
cooperation and interaction between our own group, which is sort of an ironic situation, I
suppose. We talked about that some, and we talked about all kinds of other things, too.
We got into the straight-edge issue (Annie is
straight-edge.), and we talked some basic religion, and we had some laughs and we
probably bored a couple of people to tears.
I guess that worked out ok. I wish it was more of us, though.
The limping house dog hangs out at our house every evening and night now. He
sleeps on our porch, and tonight he’s been barking at other dogs. He greets us when
we get home from work. He hangs out with us on the front porch. He seems to like us
quite a lot. He comes back every day. Sorta strange if you ask me.
Hey, I also cleaned up the archive section a bit.
I moved July onto it’s own page. It’ll get too long, otherwise.