really old


beat down
beat up … on.

beat inside out.
and around and ever down.

be proud, and be mad.
and be the be you know you can be.

hold your own and
own your mind.

and never stop looking
until you find.

really old


Some men in China were executed for stealing about $30,000.

That’s harsh.

really old


People in Ohio are not nearly as interested in preserving themselves forever as people in LA. I think people here might actually be a bit more well-adjusted to their situation. They know that they’re about as pretty as they’re ever going to be. They take life along with its shortcomings and they enjoy their coffee and their cigarettes and their country music.

They also all drive American cars. Well, about 90% anyway. Serious.

really old


Today was nice. I’m starting to get used to the family. They’re not all bad. Just different.

I got some mocassin-like slipper-type things. I think I’m gonna get pretty used to having them. I might not wear shoes much at all anymore.

Viva la vie!

really old


Being back with my parents is a special kind of fun. Here’s an example conversation:

Mom: So, with your vegatarian thing, do you eat any meat at all?
Me: Nope. No meat.
Mom: No chicken?
Me: Nope.
Mom: No Fish?
Me: (chuckling) No animals at all.
Mom: A fish isn’t an animal.
Me: Yes it is, Mom. It’s not a plant, right? It’s an animal.

And then I went on to explain my views on overfishing and killing ecosystems and all that. I even used the phrase “gluttonous American demand.” Also note that this conversation occurs every time I visit.

really old


Tonight’s Ally McBeel was a re-run that I hadn’t seen before. It was about a 3-person marriage. One man and two women. It was mostly positive on the subject, but then at the last minute sort of changed its mind.

I can understand why a big popular show like that (or one that wants to be popular) would make some effort to comdemn such behavior (polygamy), but the fact that it brought it up at all is pretty cool.

We consider ourselves enlightened, and we do command quite an arsenal of techical knowledge, but we don’t have any idea who we are or what we’re about.

We have so much to learn.

really old


I got my groove on last night.

And I’m not talking about sex, either. Though, I suppose I wish I was.

I saw a band called OOSoul. They’re from LA, and they put on a nice show.

It was great fun.

It looked like the crowd had a good time. It was a posh brewery place in an upscale and snooty part of Long Beach. There were some college kids there doing their dumb college-kid thing. I didn’t mind, though.

really old




really old



really old


Why do people spend so much time putting down what other people do? Are people really so unsure of themselves?

I say that because the only rational reason I can see to put down somebody else is to make yourself feel better. I know some people would say it’s just “fun” or something, but if that’s the case, then I really don’t understand what fun is.

I rant about this fairly regulary, and lots of other people talk about it, too. But, what is wrong with human-kind? Why do we feel the need to compete with one another?

We will be our own end.