I’m a little torn here. I hope you don’t mind. I don’t know what I should write about. One one hand, I want to entertain you, my ever-important and faithful audience. On other other hand, I just want to babble my crazy head off about whatever comes to mind.
On good days, those two goals work hand-in-hand (did you catch that… clever pun, huh?) and things go well. On others, the only things that come to mind are basically useless tidbits about my life and what a ridiculous life it is!
Anyway. I have opinions about lots and lots of things, but who doesn’t have an opinion these days? Opinions are a dime-a-dozen and always have been. I have ideas, too. Those are good, sometimes. If I give them all away, I’ll never be a fat rich bastard, though. If that isn’t gonna happen, I might as well just give up now.
You see my predicament, I hope. Any help would be appreciated.
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